King of the Great White Way

King of the Great White Way

Husband and wife Rudy and Betty Blaine, music writer and lyricist respectively for Broadway impresario Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., are staying at the White Sands to rejuvenate their creative juices, which have not been flowing of late especially for Rudy. Simon and Hetty share the view of most townsfolk that show business people are vulgar, and indeed the Blaines are more liberal and urban in their views than Simon and Hetty like. They feel the Blaine's stay at the hotel will ruin its reputation. But Hetty changes her mind about them when she learns the urban legend (i.e. the story in truth being false) that the Blaines have played to great aplomb for King George V, a story which the Blaines don't correct. Hetty tries to get the Blaines involved in a local musical production associated with the King. Meanwhile, Jasper's cousin Selena is in town helping Olivia with Jasper's projects while Jasper is away in England. Jasper sends a recording device home which he asks Olivia and Selena to ... Written by Huggo



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HD Out of the Ashes

Out of the Ashes


Out of the Ashes - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Felicity feels like she's in limbo. In all likelihood, Gus is dead, but she is clinging to that faint hope that he is still alive. As such, she's placed her life on hold. Although Felicity feels it is too soon and is a slight to Colleen Pritchard's memory, Seth Pritchard got remarried - in part, doing so to provide a mother for his baby - which places into others' minds, which they try to convince her of, that she too should move on without Gus. Meanwhile, the town has been deeded the old Lloyd mansion. When a bunch of orphaned sibling runaways are found squatting in the run down and otherwise unoccupied mansion, Felicity has the idea of turning the mansion into a foundling home. Although the motion does have some objection, the town does decide to move forward with Felicity's idea. This project provides a new focus in Felicity's life. Stuart McRae, the new bank manager who only recently arrived in Avonlea, is another distraction for her as a potential suitor. Felicity has to decide ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Love May Be Blind... But the Neighbours Ain't

Love May Be Blind... But the Neighbours Ain't


Love May Be Blind... But the Neighbours Ain't - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

It's summer break, when the minds of many in Avonlea wander to carefree pursuits and love. In the lead up to the July 1st Dominion Day celebrations, three relationships are under examination. Stuart has asked Felicity to marry him, she who still isn't sure if she is ready to leave the memory of Gus behind her. The proposal is an open one, for her to say yes whenever she feels ready. But will that day ever come? Olivia feels that her marriage to Jasper is at a crossroads. They had always talked about having a large family, which has not happened. She believes he is feeling discontented with her and their marriage because of it. But Jasper has some other things on his mind, which may cause Olivia to feel differently. And Felix wants his friendship with Izzy to be more than just friends, but he's not sure how to go about it. An action by Felix fueled by town gossip may not only jeopardize their relationship moving to the next level but threaten their friendship altogether. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Davey and the Mermaid

Davey and the Mermaid


Davey and the Mermaid - EPS 03

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Rachel has now fully recovered from her stroke, and her outlook on life has taken a whole new direction where she is more carefree and is enjoying the small pleasures that life has to offer her. Meanwhile, the townsfolk are preparing for the 1911 version of the annual Avonlea Fair. Simon, the fair chairperson, has taken it upon himself to hire a midway, much to the chagrin of some of the more traditional members of the organizing committee, such as Hetty. But based on stories that Rachel has told him, Davey is enthralled by the midway attractions, specifically the live mermaid named Melusina, again much to the chagrin of Hetty, who has forbid him or Dora to go to the midway. But the more enthralled Davey becomes with Melusina, the more he learns about her and the midway owner, Mr. Snibb, and the main purpose of their business. In the end, Davey and Hetty learn that Rachel's new outlook on life has something to teach them. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Woman of Importance

Woman of Importance


Woman of Importance - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Things are not going well in the Pettibone house beyond the one bright light of Arthur being home having graduated from veterinary school and about to take over the local practice. Izzy is still feeling uncomfortable with the new feminine influence of Muriel in their family, Izzy thinking that Muriel has taken her place in the home. Izzy is also still not speaking to Felix, who tries repeatedly to apologize. And Morgan is home unexpectedly having been expelled from military college, which he hated. The final straw in his expulsion was a bookful of caricatures, albeit well done ones, he drew of his superiors, including one of Clive. Feeling the need for some fonder times, Izzy takes it upon herself to invite her maternal aunt, Lillian Hepworth, to visit from Boston. Lillian has not seen the family in years since she and Clive do not get along as she felt her sister Jessica settled for a life of domestic drudgery in marrying Clive, whereas Lillian went into business as a women's ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Secrets and Sacrifices

Secrets and Sacrifices


Secrets and Sacrifices - EPS 05

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

After four years away living in the Yukon, Abigail and Malcolm MacEwan and their son Lucky move back to Avonlea. Janet is trusting that her relationship with her sister will be on better terms than they have been in the past. When the MacEwans move into the King house temporarily and unexpectedly while their own house is undergoing necessary renovations and clean-up, Janet and Abigail's relationship strains under the close quarters. Abigail's criticisms also extend to Cecily and Alec. Abigail has always felt that Janet has sacrificed much to Alec and the farm over their married life. Meanwhile, the Kings may have come into a windfall when Cecily finds an old stock certificate in Alec's toolbox, which originally belonged to his grandfather. With the money, he initially thinks about buying new farm equipment. But after he speaks to Cecily who overheard one of Abigail and Janet's discussions about Janet's sacrifices, Alec decides instead to buy her a family birthstone ring, which he ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD King of the Great White Way

King of the Great White Way


King of the Great White Way - EPS 06

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

Husband and wife Rudy and Betty Blaine, music writer and lyricist respectively for Broadway impresario Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., are staying at the White Sands to rejuvenate their creative juices, which have not been flowing of late especially for Rudy. Simon and Hetty share the view of most townsfolk that show business people are vulgar, and indeed the Blaines are more liberal and urban in their views than Simon and Hetty like. They feel the Blaine's stay at the hotel will ruin its reputation. But Hetty changes her mind about them when she learns the urban legend (i.e. the story in truth being false) that the Blaines have played to great aplomb for King George V, a story which the Blaines don't correct. Hetty tries to get the Blaines involved in a local musical production associated with the King. Meanwhile, Jasper's cousin Selena is in town helping Olivia with Jasper's projects while Jasper is away in England. Jasper sends a recording device home which he asks Olivia and Selena to ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Total Eclipse

Total Eclipse


Total Eclipse - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

A total eclipse of the sun will be visible from Avonlea in a week's time. The White Sands is booked solid with all the people coming to view the eclipse. Felix sees this as a good opportunity to ask for a promotion to Assistant Manager, but Simon feels Felix is still too inexperienced. Two people who won't be viewing the eclipse are Janet and Alec, who, with Daniel, are visiting out of town, leaving Felix, Cecily and Aunt Eliza at home. An incident between a skunk and Cecily and Izzy leads to a mishap where money Cecily was suppose to deliver to a charity on Janet's behalf gets accidentally burnt. Felix sees this mishap as an opportunity both for himself and to help Cecily: he will overbook the hotel, on the premise that he will kindly take in those looking for accommodation at the King house while Alec and Janet are away. He wants to show Simon that he is Assistant Manager material in this venture. Despite accommodating those in need, Felix could get into much trouble if Simon finds ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Ah... Sweet Mystery of Life

Ah... Sweet Mystery of Life


Ah... Sweet Mystery of Life - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Modernization is overtaking Avonlea, with some of its residents fighting the changes. Simon and Hetty require an influx of capital to make repairs to the White Sands, but Edward Osborne, a hotel consultant and financier they contact, will only invest if they make some modernizations in operation, with which both Simon and Hetty disagree. And Hetty learns that Avonlea School will close after this school year, students residing in Avonlea who will go to the 20-room school in Carmody, which has several teachers, each teaching different subjects. Hetty is offered a job there. If she doesn't accept, she will be forced to retire. Through these trials and tribulations, both Simon and Hetty come to the realization that they have more in common than they thought when they first met two years ago. They decide to get married. But in their new found love for each other, they forget that they have both been single for over half a century apiece, each with a long established way of living. They ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD From Away

From Away


From Away - EPS 09

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Davey has grown up to be a responsible young man. He is working hard and wants to use his earnings to buy a microscope for himself. Since he doesn't have enough money yet for one, Hetty unilaterally decides on something else she feels he should have instead, which places the two at odds with each other. Meanwhile, two British youth, brothers Bret and Ian McNulty, are being brought to the Avonlea Foundling Home. They were brought over from Britain on the pretense of being adopted, but were instead treated solely as slaves by their wards, who really had no intention of adopting them. As such, Bret and Ian ran away and were found on the streets of Charlottetown, living through petty theft. Bret and Ian are seemingly tough and streetwise, and hate everyone around them in Avonlea, especially Davey. The older Bret even goads the younger boys of Avonlea into games of chicken resulting in some illegal acts. But when Davey learns of a secret Bret is hiding, Davey vows to help the brothers on ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD After the Ball Is Over

After the Ball Is Over


After the Ball Is Over - EPS 10

IMDb: 6.2
60 min

Great Aunt Eliza's ninetieth birthday is approaching. She is still in good health for her age. She is also young at heart. In the continuing disagreements between the Ward sisters, Janet wants to hold an intimate family dinner to mark the occasion, whereas Abigail wants a more formal and dignified tea for a larger group. Abigail unilaterally makes arrangements for such at the White Sands. The sisters also disagree about inviting Eliza's cousin, Winifred Ward. With Winifred being even older than Eliza, Janet feels the trip for Winifred from Charlottetown will be too difficult for her to handle, but again Abigail unilaterally decides to invite her, she who does come to Avonlea. Upon Winifred's arrival, it is obvious to all that she is verging on dementia, which Dr. Snow confirms. Stories emerge of a man named Owen Briar, who Winifred and Eliza both loved when they were younger. Winifred still owns a silver keepsake box from him. Although Eliza and Winifred have always loved each other, ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD Return to Me

Return to Me


Return to Me - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Felicity and Stuart's wedding is fast approaching. The one person who is not happy about it is Hetty. Despite harboring no ill feeling toward Stuart, Hetty believes that Felicity is still in mourning over Gus. Felicity does admit that Gus is still in her thoughts every day. Felicity receives a largely inaudible telephone call from Charleston, South Carolina, the woman telephoner stating something to the effect that someone in some medical distress is asking for her. Felicity is certain that person is Gus. Although everyone but Felicity believes that going to Charleston without any additional information is an ill thought out proposition, Hetty agrees to accompany her. On the cargo ship from New York to Charleston that Felicity and Hetty are sailing, they are befriended by the only other passenger, a Charleston resident named Horace Beck, who wants to help the two women in distress. They also meet one of the deck hands named Jimmy, who was on the same ship when Gus was supposedly ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah


The Last Hurrah - EPS 12

IMDb: 5.7
60 min

The Town of Carmody is planning on amalgamating several surrounding communities, including Avonlea, into their town, all in the name of progress due to economies of scale. Although modernization has never been a selling point to most Avonlea residents, Eulalie Bugle and Archie Gillis lead the charge for amalgamation since they individually would gain monetarily from the move. While many in Avonlea work against amalgamation, including the Kings, the tide seems to be working for amalgamation with the showy and expensive propaganda provided by the pro-amalgamation forces, led by Carmody's mayor and officials of the railroad. A microcosm of the battle is the Dale Cannery. Many smaller canneries like the Dale's are closing due to the mega-cannery in Carmody being able to offer higher prices to the fishermen for the raw materials while undercutting prices to consumers. Lottie Cooper, a young single mother of a newborn, worked at one of those closed canneries. She comes to Olivia looking for... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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HD So Dear to My Heart

So Dear to My Heart


So Dear to My Heart - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Hetty, Felicity and a blind Gus return to Avonlea finding out about the Dale Cannery burning down, and a newborn in the Dale home. But Gus yet knows nothing about anyone named Stuart McRae, let alone that he is Felicity's fiancé. Conversely, no one in Avonlea has any idea that Gus is alive, albeit blind, before he arrives back in town. With the cannery, Olivia and Jasper's request for financing to rebuild has been turned down in light of the time to rebuild and the new modern cannery in Carmody always putting such a venture on uneconomical footing. Olivia and Jasper have to decide what to do, especially with all their old employees still waiting to start work. Hetty takes the news harder than anyone, she who sees the cannery as the lifeblood of the town, and without it the town's possible demise. With Felicity, Gus and Stuart, each also has some hard decisions to make. Stuart received Felicity's agreement to marry him in good faith and he still expects her to do so. Gus loves Felicity... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada | USA
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