Red's Birthday

Red's Birthday

Red's birthday starts with a collapsing bedroom ceiling, then practical presents, but the worst is still to come: dinner with the Pinciottis, who bring separate dates as they are constantly fighting, by notice-board, in language unfit for Donna while Hyde 'would appreciate it'; yet they decide to have sex in the car, which makes Kitty hornily jealous. Eric stresses like a drama queen because Donna talks to Hyde, not him, about her family problems. Fez shows Kelso how to make up the feudal age courting way, then uses the helmet the basement boys made Kelso wear 'for being so dumb'. Written by KGF Vissers



All Episodes - S02

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HD Garage Sale

Garage Sale


Garage Sale - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The Formans have a garage sale to earn some extra cash. Hyde doesn't have anything to sell, so he bakes special brownies to sell; Red, Kitty, Midge and Bob eat some of Hyde's brownies unsuspectingly. Fez kisses Jackie who tells Donna it's the best kiss she's ever had. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Red's Last Day

Red's Last Day


Red's Last Day - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Michael is delighted his uncle gave him a van for free, even though it's a stinking rust-bucket, the basement boys see cruising (both senses) possibilities. The spoiled girls look down on it at first, except temptress Laurie, who tests Kelso's loyalty to Jackie till they 'christen' the date-mobile, Hyde notices it shaking as they groan from the outside and makes sure Eric learns the 'disgusting' news, and is big brotherly gullible enough to believe the slut didn't abuse their naive mate. On their last day at the plant, without any goodbye treat, Red joins his colleagues to a bar, and gets so drunk the boys must get him there- and get drunk themselves... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Velvet Rope

The Velvet Rope


The Velvet Rope - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Red has a job interview. Donna is unhappy with her parents and wants to have an evening of fun. Eric, along with Hyde and Fez, takes her to a very hot new club. However, the bouncer only lets Donna in. Jackie convinces Kelso that it's no shame for a guy to wear make-up because Bowie does it as well and dolls him up. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Laurie and the Professor

Laurie and the Professor


Laurie and the Professor - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

After Laurie eagerly points out at the family breakfast table that Eric has a hickey, Fez wants one too, from anyone. Hyde is sick of bunking and decides to move out of Eric's room, but to which other room? In another feminist flare, Midge takes Donna for a ride, bagging on Bob and shopping; at their return, pa insists to retaliate. Kelso decides to steal lingerie from Kitty's hamper to commemorate his humping with Laurie, who gets a surprising visit from her former University of Wisconsin psychology professor Stark, who inexplicably offers to help the lazy cow get back into college- till Eric sees them kissing, but waits too long to rat on her as Hyde advices: Stark has already confessed, and snake Laurie gives it a nasty turn... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Halloween



Halloween - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

It's Halloween and the gang decides to go to their old, abandoned, burnt down grammar school to have a scary Halloween. It soon turns out telling scary stories isn't scary enough any more, but finding their permanent records does send shivers down their spines. Meanwhile, Red and Kitty are thinking back about their first Halloween together. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Vanstock



Vanstock - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

The gang goes to van-stock, a mini-Woodstock for vans, like Kelso's. Michael has a hard time two-timing Jackie with Laurie, especially because Hyde tries everything to get him caught, and ends up in the cold even literally. After Donna shuns Eric for not telling her he knew about Michael's infidelity, Hyde points out even he doesn't rat on a mate. Meanwhile frustrated unemployed Red gets intrigued by Midge's soap but remains his cranky self at Kitty's annual hospital dinner. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD I Love Cake

I Love Cake


I Love Cake - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Bob has a terrible fight with Midge who kicks him out, so he gets Red to take him in, but his stray is not to Kitty's liking, and it's for Red to fix... Kelso has a new Brandon-look thanks to Jackie's help, but the basement idiots make fun of him as 'Fonzie' (actualy no less cool), he tries to bribe their respect with pizza and lollipops; a sneer from Laurie makes him dump the leather jacket, only then... Eric replied 'I love cake' when Donna said it as consolation for not taking his virginity 'to spite her parents'... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Sleepover



Sleepover - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

When Donna sneaks into Eric's room by the window and finally spends the night in his bed, his horniest dream seems to come true, even though they noticed Hyde knows, but not all the way, still leaving him a desperate virgin by basement boy standards. She returns the next night, but... When a colleague of Kitty gets sick, she eagerly takes an extra nurse shift as money is tight, leaving Red to cook- none of the boys is suicidal enough to eat his cinders. Hyde takes a job at the local Photohut-shop owned by loony hippie Leo, who poses no demands and can't remember a thing, even pays spontaneous rent and tries to kick Leo into doing some work. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Eric Gets Suspended

Eric Gets Suspended


Eric Gets Suspended - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Donna has an F in English and has taken up smoking because of the problems with her parents. Eric gets caught holding one of her cigarettes at the school yard and gets suspended. Red, not listening to him when he says he doesn't smoke, punishes Eric. Hyde and Fez are on a double date with two good looking girls and Jackie and Kelso are fighting over the number of stuffed animals Jackie can have in Kelso's van. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Red's Birthday

Red's Birthday


Red's Birthday - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Red's birthday starts with a collapsing bedroom ceiling, then practical presents, but the worst is still to come: dinner with the Pinciottis, who bring separate dates as they are constantly fighting, by notice-board, in language unfit for Donna while Hyde 'would appreciate it'; yet they decide to have sex in the car, which makes Kitty hornily jealous. Eric stresses like a drama queen because Donna talks to Hyde, not him, about her family problems. Fez shows Kelso how to make up the feudal age courting way, then uses the helmet the basement boys made Kelso wear 'for being so dumb'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Laurie Moves Out

Laurie Moves Out


Laurie Moves Out - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

When Laurie moves from home to a flat with a room-mate, Red not only 'forgets' Eric for her room, which goes to Hyde, even asks when he (finally) leaves home. As if it wasn't bad enough she tells Kelso he won't get to cheat on Jackie with her at that flat, he was only good 'when there's nothing on TV', she manages to have Jackie witness her returning his green T-shirt from her room; Donna is no help giving the fake reassurance the fake, bossy 'girl-friend' craves, Hyde enjoys toying with helplessly non-manipulative Michael's torment. Eric's moment comes next morning, when Red drags him along to check if his favorite's place is fireproof: she's in bathrobe with hunky Mike, who opens the door in his underwear. Kitty still invites Laurie for dinner... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Eric's Stash

Eric's Stash


Eric's Stash - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Eric wants to buy Donna a gift for their first kiss anniversary and discovers somebody has stolen his money. After talking to Laurie - who reminds him Hyde tried to steal Donna from him last year - Eric thinks Hyde stole his money. In the same conversation, Laurie tells Eric something rather disturbing about his past. Meanwhile, Jackie wants to enter a beauty contest with the help of Kelso and Fez. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Hunting



Hunting - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Red, Bob and the guys go out hunting. Fez uses a stick and a whistle while Red and Eric are waiting for a deer to show up so they can shoot it. Kelso isn't good with guns and isn't allowed to handle one. Hyde just hangs out. Meanwhile, the women are at home. Because Donna doesn't want to cook or bake something and they have nothing to talk about, they end up playing cards and eventually even Laurie plays along. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Red's New Job

Red's New Job


Red's New Job - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Bob is livid and worried sick to read Price Mart is opening a branch in Point Place, but Red cares only for the next paragraph: they're hiring. However his candidature for supervisor is very uncertain, director Ted offers an instant job as cashier- should he accept? Eric wants to help, taking a hamburger job, but Red is against, feeling diminished in his breadwinner pride, Kitty tries to sooth both. Kelso finds dating both Jackie and Laurie disappointing: he mainly gets double nagging and expectations, little physical fun. Then Price Mart calls about both Forman postulations... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Burning Down the House

Burning Down the House


Burning Down the House - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Michael ignores Jackie's mean refusal to invite Fez and Hyde for the fancy party she hosts in her posh parents' home, even adding dubious acquaintances, including scamp Timmy, who starts by stripping off his pants. Unaccustomed to the mundane, Eric overdoes it when Donna suggests he should relax and enjoy. Jackie gite sulk in her room, demanding Kelso 'fixes it', but things get even further out of hand. Meanwhile Red has accidentally discovers Bob wears a hair-rug and tells Kitty, so that becomes the elephant in Red's living room on the coupe's scrabble night. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The First Time

The First Time


The First Time - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Donna is happy when her parents announce they'll renew their wedding vows, although the whole ceremony is to be in loud Packers team colors, then disappointed their text suggestions aren't even vows, but ends up believing Eric: their love is true, it's up to her to phrase it appropriately; afterward it inspires here to take the next step with Eric... While Red grudgingly accepts to be best man, Kitty is so disappointed Midge didn't ask her as one of the three bridesmaids - she never was one- that when Leo, whom Hyde subcontracted as photographer, hits the sack with bridesmaid Holly, Kitty grabs her chance, and the green-gold dress. After the fire Kelso gets bitched at by both his lovers, but ends up proving his romantic value to Jackie. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD After Glow

After Glow


After Glow - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Eric and Donna had sex for the first time. Eric feels very happy about this but for Donna things didn't exactly go as she thought they'd go. She tells Jackie about it who tells Kelso about it. Kelso misunderstands and tells Eric, Hyde and Fez Eric's lame in the sack. Eric is humiliated and in an argument with Donna he suggests they should stop having sex. Meanwhile Red has had his first paycheck in months and with Kitty he decides to buy something for the two of them. He comes home with a motorcycle. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Kitty and Eric's Night Out

Kitty and Eric's Night Out


Kitty and Eric's Night Out - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Kelso and Hyde are amazed to see a steamy car contains a couple making out: Fez and Steven's ex Patty. Neither admits it, but Jackie is jealous too, as Fez used to court her in vain and now pays her no attention, so she takes it out on Michael for not writing her poems like Fez does for Patty. Kitty wants to spend time with her baby boy, so Red, who realizes at that age no boy wants to be seen with his parents, tells her 'we pay his bills, we own him' and forces him, enthusiastically encouraged by eternal liar Hyde, to join her at a pizzeria, where crazy kid Timmy cries out aloud 'Eric is on a date with his mama', and a Woodie Allen Movie, torture because most scenes contain sex or drugs. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Parents Find Out

Parents Find Out


Parents Find Out - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

A cop finds Eric and Donna having sex in the Vista Cruiser, and brings them home, where Eric just lies low while Red gives him heaps. Kitty stays in bed, grumpy with nightmares about her 'defiled baby', while Donna doesn't know how to tell her parents, which Red demands. Meanwhile Kelso has a CB radio in his van; he, Hyde and Fez take as aliases the names of The Mod Squad (1968) characters, and although Fez winds up with the name Julie, his foreign accent gets them the chance to meet three foxy CB-girls. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Kiss of Death

Kiss of Death


Kiss of Death - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Kelso's heart is now for Jackie alone, but Laurie still insists he must keep dating her in secret. When she realizes he's serious this time, she manages to make him kiss her 'one last time' just when Jackie can see them. Fez is unsympathetic because he's still jealous, Hyde just because it's his evil nature. Eric has other worries: while parking the car after their date he accidentally killed Donna's beloved old cat Mr. Bonkers, and by the time Red who always hated the animal and taunts him together with Laurie, and Kitty who advises to take a gift, convince him in the morning to confess, he has already lied about it, thus leaving her worry all night, now even the cute kitten he brought her isn't accepted as peace-offering. Fez can't start hunting Jackie because he gets appendicitis, the anesthetic gives him erotic visions. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Kelso's Serenade

Kelso's Serenade


Kelso's Serenade - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

As Red predicted, Kitty only baked Swedish pancakes to bring bad news: everybody must visit aunt Pearl, in a rest home, who is even less welcoming then the family likes to go and hides... Kelso is a mess now Jackie has dumped him, and sets his hope on composing a make up-song, like his pain beastly ignored or abused by the other basement boys, but Eric soon learns his arrogant confidence it can't happen to him is highly misplaced when firm feminist Dona promises to kick his Archie Bunker-arse to the moon after Jackie convinced her to make a big deal of supposed double meaning in words Eric meant as they are... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Jackie Moves On

Jackie Moves On


Jackie Moves On - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Dumped Kelso's only relieve is to hear Jackie is miserable too, but Fez is determined to seize the opportunity to ask her out; she accepts dining at an expensive French restaurant without even asking first who with, then stuffs herself full with both plates and keeps nagging about Michael, but even after that shameless abuse the puppy is happy to be openly kept on a string, Kelso to hear his 'rival' gets nowhere. Eric believes to overhear Laurie telling Hyde an embarrassing secret about him which nobody will specify, so he carelessly 'admits as insignificant' to the basement mates that he was known in summer-camp as Doctor Pipi -a confidence she actually kept- and starts a ratting duel with Laurie, who also takes a more practical revenge... Red asks Kitty out to the French restaurant, but tells her to wear his late mother's necklace, which she pawned when the family was out of groceries budget... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Holy Crap

Holy Crap


Holy Crap - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Kitty can't go to church because of an extra hospital shift, but orders her kids to go, alone. Eric would, but Laurie's bad example is irresistible; alas, Bob reports their absence. Kitty now says they're old enough to make the right choice on their own, and expects them to go next Sunday, but neither seriously considers that. As if sitting alone in the pew weren't bad enough for Kitty, Bob nags about horny Eric needing prayer most and as ever spaced-out Leo asks to sit next to her. Back home Kitty blames Red's bad example and plays her last trump card: youth minister Dave, who tries to appeal to the kids in their own terms... Hyde points out to Kelso losing Jackie means he can again do everything he likes and she forbade, i.e. anything; Michael focuses first on growing a beard, which foreigner Fez is naturally better at, but Jackie still finds Kelso's sexiest... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Red Fired Up

Red Fired Up


Red Fired Up - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Eric does well working at Price Mart, even gets sincere praise from Red, who actually sets him as example for a former plant colleague, eternal malingerer Earl, who becomes the primary butt of their jokes, but ends up going too far... Kelso realizes Jackie is too short to be worth missing, there are many girls still to see naked, but makes a bad start: Laurie, who gets a lecture from Kitty, Michael simultaneously a simplified version from Hyde, against their mismatched affair. The boys' basement becomes a bit of a battleground... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Cat Fight Club

Cat Fight Club


Cat Fight Club - EPS 25

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Jackie tries to win a 'burn' duel with Laurie, but Hyde convinces her it's better to 'be Zen.' Despite everybody's warnings, Michael accepts Laurie's invitation for dinner, which Kitty actually forbade her to extend. Although lover-boy sweetly brought gifts, inhospitable host Red scares Kelso out of the door in seconds; later the Korean vet locks the intimidated boy in the garage for operation Scare the pants off daughter's new lover. When Laurie returns to the basement, Jackie's Zen for beginners soon gives way to a cat-fight. As Hyde puts it, Where the Zen ends, the ass-kicking begins. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Moon Over Point Place

Moon Over Point Place


Moon Over Point Place - EPS 26

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

The Vikings yearbook contains a surprising picture: Donna smiling with her 'lower cheeks'. Just when Eric was resigning to it going generally unnoticed, Timmy happily makes it as public in the diner as he drops trou at parties. Red was happy Bob canceled the couples' cards night, frustrated by Eric's carnal communion with Donna, but Kitty insists to bring them together to talk it trough; just then Eric decides to follow the mooner's example. Hyde made clear not to reciprocate Jackie's sudden crush for him, but still takes the blame for the weed she bought to impress him, which lands him in jail... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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