Who Are You

Who Are You

Michael Kelso was looking forward to the new, luxurious police academy, but doesn't want to go at all now because he believes he'll lose his friends and fears he may not make new friends. When Jackie's mother and gold-digging role model Pamela 'Pam' Burkhart arrives, Donna says she should welcome her - until Pam digs into her own dad, Bob. Written by KGF Vissers



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HD The Kids Are Alright

The Kids Are Alright


The Kids Are Alright - EPS 01

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Eric and Donna slept together in her bed, and are caught by pa Bob, Eric wearing briefs and her top; strangely enough also in her closet was Fez, while his new wife Laurie is on 'honeymoon'- with her friend Carlos! Red has had a mild heart attack, so the doctor prescribes rest and 'not holding back', which worries Eric his dad from hell might get still worse. Eric's only consolation is taunting his lifelong tormentor with his low-fat diet. Kelso starts training for police academy by drinking eggs 'like Rocky', till Jackie reminds him of his allergy, the boys rush him to hospital, swelling up uglier then anyone dares tell the beauty-conscious boy. Jackie has finally chosen, for Hyde. But he didn't just wait; Kelso considers her too complicated and wants to be just friends. Despite everything, Eric feels he can't leave home now, although he wants nothing more. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Join Together

Join Together


Join Together - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Although everyone keeps meanly abusing Kelso, he proves himself a true friend by realizing Hyde and Jackie may play cool and aloof, they're obviously still in love, so Michael starts shuttle diplomacy, albeit without rendering any sentence correctly, and makes each believe the other apologized first... Eric's announcement he defers college at least till Red is recovered delights Kitty as much as it depresses Red his 18 years wait isn't about to end after all, and joining Red in the doctor's ruthless diet looked doable to Kitty only till she reads he list includes no booze. Meanwhile Eric discovers and enjoys that the one thing hotter then make up-sex is going away-sex, so anything with Donna anywhere is a '(maybe) our last time' excuse. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Magic Bus

Magic Bus


Magic Bus - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Eric celebrates his 18th birthday but is depressed Donna is leaving to college the next day; the boys agree long-distance relationships don't last, console him with beer and leave him in a dress, another embarrassment made for Red to milk. Even Kitty planned no birthday treat, and the reason is disgusting to him: parental love life being revived. Donna got him a stereo, but they have a row just before she leaves, now he feels guilty too. Jackie is already redecorating Donna's room even before she leaves. Then it's time to part... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Acid Queen

The Acid Queen


The Acid Queen - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

When the boys see foxy Brooke again, Kelso wants her to confirm they did it at a Molly Hatchett concert, but she doesn't even remember the Adonis, who just can't believe it: other girls pretend they did get him. Just admitting he finds Brooke hot too gets Hyde in Jackie's bad books, but he's not about to lie for her; Kitty assures her it just takes a few years of picking shrewd shrew-battles till a man just gives up 'disobeying'. Donna tells Kelso that Brooke is now a librarian, he keeps insisting -the other boys only now discover there is a library in town, and it has many Playboys! Later Brooke comes to the basement, but drops a bomb-shell... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD I'm Free

I'm Free


I'm Free - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

The gang doesn't believe Kelso's claim Brooke can't be carrying his child. When Donna gets him to talk to her, she tells him never to give the baby and her another taught- he can't believe his luck! Immigration is going to deport Fez if his marriage to Laurie is found fake, so he must sleep in the Foreman house, Kitty can't refuse. Red isn't happy to find him naked in the shower, nor bunking with Eric, who must imitate his ocean sounds tape to stop his endless candy stories, so Fez ends up in the basement, cranky after a sleepless night. Agent Armstrong interrogates everyone separately, but apparently considers the bride too attractive to conclude negatively. Hyde, Jackie and especially Donna insist till Kelso returns to Brooke, who cruelly tells him she didn't want to spare him but refuses to 'take care of two babies'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD We're Not Gonna Take It

We're Not Gonna Take It


We're Not Gonna Take It - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Eric is fired from the dog food factory by Joanna, after she broke up with neighbor Bob Pinciotti, so Donna tries to cheer her dad up as secret admirer, which alas makes him turn down Joanna's make-up offer. There is a waiter position open at Roy's restaurant, but Kelso wants that promotion to impress Brooke so she'll reconsider allowing him a paternal role. Hyde convinces Roy to turn it into a competition, which Eric wins hands down (well, full), then Eric decides to train Kelso so he can get the next waiter position. Red enthusiastically leads Fez and Laurie to get divorced, just when a wealthy aunt has send them a microwave as wedding present Kitty can't resist, but next Laurie's admirer Billy's metal shop sends a saw too good for Red to send back... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Christmas



Christmas - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

The firm is mad enough to designate misanthrope Red as Santaclaus, instead of Bob who grudgingly accepts to assist as elf with Kitty, who by signing up the kids for the same duty unknowingly convinced the boys to attend the school dance they had sworn never to join again. Donna is furious when she learns Eric hangs out there and is now popular with a few schoolgirls, so she turns up during her radio show. Fez fears the football team will again lock him up in a locker. Hyde only came for Jackie's sake. Kelso only wanted to avoid going to the library as Brooke suggested, but changes his mind and is starting there to charm his way into his baby's mother's hart... The kids are treated by Santa to 'more sensible' toy choices and bloody Vietnam stories, till Bob can't take it anymore... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD I'm a Boy

I'm a Boy


I'm a Boy - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Eric works very late, but the tips are good, to Kitty's relief, and it's an way to escape Donna's elaborate wedding planning. When Donna catches Eric playing poker with Roy and Kelso after work, she's furious and tells Kitty to stop spoiling her 'baby-boy'. Kelso suggests to Brooke some romance and pays so Hyde and Jackie will double-date with them; his own honesty about his colorful dating past makes Brooke run off, but the next day she comes to the hotel. Kitty has Red driven to the doctor by Fez, but on the way back Red stays terribly late with mates, while poor Fez waits in the slowly freezing car. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Young Man Blues

Young Man Blues


Young Man Blues - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Kelso is proud as a peacock now he is finally in police cadet uniform, albeit it with a paper badge. Kitty feels repairs can't wait, but the doctor forbade Red to do any, so he decides to supervise Eric, well, probably messing them up. Jackie has volunteered for a school project as big sister, but instead of entertaining young Colette she tries to turn her into a little Jackie, to Donna's horror. After a ride along in his instructor Kennedy's patrol car, arresting Fez, confiscating and accidentally killing his frog, Kelso doesn't just mind the car but drives it to the Forman place, where Hyde finds the keys and drives away with Fez, abusing the walkie-talkie to maximize embarrassment. Eric manages to repair the lawnmower, but ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD A Legal Matter

A Legal Matter


A Legal Matter - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

According to Roy, Jackie and the other boys, Kelso is this year's police academy stooge, so they break in to make sure, are found by his instructor officer Kennedy and told now he is. After Kelso failed an important test, they break in again. Fez must pass a last interview to become a US citizen, so the Forman parents and Donna (of whose knowledge Kitty is terribly jealous) train him in national history; on the day he finds there is no quiz, but makes a pass at the Immigration (INS) clerk who considers it all too un-married behavior... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD I Can See for Miles

I Can See for Miles


I Can See for Miles - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

While Michael Kelso helps Brooke in the library, she invites him, impressed with his kind efforts, to take her to her next gynecologist's appointment. Alas his van is missing by then because Eric drove Donna in it to 'mount hump' by the lake, which she considers a romantic wedding site, even though dad Bob insists on a church wedding, but forgot the hand-break... Meanwhile Jackie, who considered the basement 'depressingly gray', turned Hyde's bedroom into a pink baby girl-room, yet he enjoys the fragrance and softness but won't admit so. Red even finds it 'un-manly' when Bob gives him a fine pair of shoes. Kelso tries to take Brooke to the doctor on his bike, but is again in disgrace, so he finds an alternative, which really impresses the boys... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Sally Simpson

Sally Simpson


Sally Simpson - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Kelso introduces a fellow police cadet to the gang, a tomboy named Suzy Simpson. Comedy ensues when Kelso tries to set up a date between Suzy and Fez. Kitty becomes defensive when a stress management specialist visits Red. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Won't Get Fooled Again

Won't Get Fooled Again


Won't Get Fooled Again - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Fez shooting a bunny turned police cadet Suzy off completely, she only wants to hurt people. Fez blames his poor mate and failing cupid Kelso, who tries to wait patiently and brings peace offerings, but gets them thrown back (in words, two are kept as Jackie advised as part of ruthless revenge) so now Michael gets mad at him too. Donna's late period makes her and Eric believe she's pregnant; he panics worst and blabs to Kitty, who first suggested they move, then promises not to tell but writes it down for Red and Bob, who only suggests to pass the baby for Donna's sister. After Donna gets worked up because Eric said she had to give up her career, it turns out to be a false alert. Suzy tricks Kelso and Fez to meet 'with her', then too much truth from each of them proves to be- good in an unexpected way... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Baby Don't You Do It

Baby Don't You Do It


Baby Don't You Do It - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Under parental pressure, pre-marital sinners Eric and Donna go in church marriage counseling; the idea appeals to Donna, while Pastor Dan speaks Eric's language: Star Wars analogies. They lie still to be virgins, but are held up as purity examples in church, a wrong the oldies insist to see righted. Meanwhile Michael Kelso, who was struggling with theory tests at D level, looked forward to flare day, but his enthusiastic practice in advance proves too 'catchy' for the police academy building; yet Brooke feels his honesty counts for more then grades... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Who Are You

Who Are You


Who Are You - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Michael Kelso was looking forward to the new, luxurious police academy, but doesn't want to go at all now because he believes he'll lose his friends and fears he may not make new friends. When Jackie's mother and gold-digging role model Pamela 'Pam' Burkhart arrives, Donna says she should welcome her - until Pam digs into her own dad, Bob. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Man with Money

Man with Money


Man with Money - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

When Kitty gives a cocktail-party, the men all dress up because of Jackie's sexy ma Pamela 'Pam' Burkhart, envy Bob who got another good looker after Midge and agree it must be a matter of money more then charm, while their daughters agree that mismatch may not go trough but are ignored. The doctor gives Red a heart monitor, but Kitty uses it as a lie-detector to trap him till it is proven to react to... Simple hedonist Kelso is the only one who uses Bob's hot-tub after the odd couple, au naturel, so his scumbag 'mates'... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Happy Jack

Happy Jack


Happy Jack - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

When Eric is caught by Donna tending to his 'manly needs' in the Pinciotti bathroom, everyone acts as if it was an ax-murder: Jackie sees it as blackmail material to 'milk' for life, the others brand the boy as a weak pervert. Hyde and Fez regret having to miss how Eric will as always make this one 'even worse', but still go visit Kelso at the police academy, where the cadet has adopted the burly house style, grown the trade-mark mustache and adopted the cop name Mike. After he dutifully flushed weed criminal Hyde's contraband stash, the pair treacherously shaves him a Hitler-mustache... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Do You Think It's Alright?

Do You Think It's Alright?


Do You Think It's Alright? - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Donna decides it's time for the next wedding preparations: choosing a wedding list, to the boys' anger only 'things at the table', nothing they like, and Eric is a wreck after a six hours shopping raid, so eager to take Red's advice: choose so badly she'll declare him shop-incompetent and do it all herself. Alas veteran Kelso gives the game away at first glance, so as punishment Eric must go shop wedding cloths with Jackie, who surprisingly knows how to handle a male shopping-stooge. Meanwhile Kitty and Fez catch Red enjoying reading one of her dirty girls books... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Substitute



Substitute - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Eric accidentally hits non-friend from school Mitch in the hospital at the mini-golf course where the Jewish geek works, and feels guilty enough to invite him to the basement. While Kelso and Fez, who were against Mitch, soon warm to him, his hitting on Donna makes Eric turn. Jackie and Donna would protest when Bob asked Pam to move in, but she replies bluntly to have found another man, he's shattered. Eric goes berserk when his green saber-Darth Vader goes missing, only Mitch showed interest in it, Kitty finds it in Eric's bathwater after Mitch left. Several people reconsider and make up... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Squeeze Box

Squeeze Box


Squeeze Box - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Pam Burkhart moves back in with Bob Pinciotti, eagerly helped by the boys, especially horny admirers Kelso and Fez, but it's Red and Hyde who see her accidentally (but also on her part?) bare-breasted. A visit to the movie theater makes Donna admit to herself she's as horny for him as the other way around, forget pre-marital abstinence, but then he gets suspiciously greeted by a vending girl, and Mitch, who is back in the basement, hotly hoping to get Donna for himself against everyone's warnings he stands no chance ever, eagerly stirs... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD 5:15



5:15 - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Precisely because Eric 'forbids' Donna to be Mitch's date at his brother's wedding, she accepts; it's in the Holiday hotel where Eric takes that shift so he can watch and bug his rival; Jackie and Fez come as chaperons, she gives him 'tips' to court a country-club bitch just like her. Kitty convinces Kelso not to take pregnant Broke to a roller-coaster and horse-riding but to her baby-care-class in hospital; Brooke panics when her practical skills fall short of her book-knowledge, but Michael's babysitting experience compensates. Red has got cable TV to compensate for failing conversation with Kitty, but deliberately refused a connection for the basement; Hyde taps into it himself, but has no control over the (weather) channel choice. Mitch proclaims Donna his hot fiancé, leading to a public fight with Eric neither really wants. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Sparks



Sparks - EPS 22

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Red joined Bob at an auction, got drunk and returned with a canoe, spending the money Kitty destined for Eric's wedding present, so she orders him to think of a free, 'better' gift. The canoe is enthusiastically adopted -Kitty won't keep it- by the basement boys, as an original prop for a crazy stunt, even by Kelso's brave standards, and somehow Michael thinks wearing a helmet would be worse. Eric manages to cause drama by ruining Donna's wedding dress in stages, with and without Kitty's help... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD My Wife

My Wife


My Wife - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

As their marriage looms, Donna stuns Eric by leasing a trailer and announcing she's ditching college in order to become a full-time DJ. Hyde drags Eric out to a strip joint, so Kitty decides to take the girls to a similar establishment with male strippers - which they discover is MC'd by Casey Kelso. As the evening drags on, Donna starts to worry whether she's made the right decision - just as Eric fears he's holding her back, and that it will end destroying their relationship. Written by Steve Green

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Going Mobile

Going Mobile


Going Mobile - EPS 24

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Michael meets Brooke's mother Carolyn, instant antagonism, and she intends to take her home to Chicago while he's in police academy, he agrees for six months. Eric wakes up, Donna leaving him was just a nightmare, but Red warns him a trailer has no place no hide. Fez and Hyde are allowed to decide who may be best man: scissors, rock, paper, or ... Thinking about 'just wedding jibes' must be right for all future divorcés really spooks Donna, yet it's Eric who doesn't show up for their wedding rehearsal, just phoning... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Seeker

The Seeker


The Seeker - EPS 25

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Now Eric has left Donna practically at the altar, her mother Midge makes a surprise appearance to console her, to the ever-horny boys' delight as always. Midge finds Bob hooked up with Pam and acts jealous, so he takes Kelso's advice to plow both fields... When Hyde is shortly in hospital after a fall from the water-tower, accidentally pushed down by Donna, Kitty reads in his medical file he actually has another biological father, which he ignored, besides the dead-beat who completely abandoned him. He pretends not to care but eagerly accepts a 'coincidental' ride with the Formans and Jackie to his dad's fancy office in Milwaukee, but chickens out at the last moment. At night, Donna gets a surprise visitor trough the window, to closet-witness Fez's delight... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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