

Someone kills a Naval officer on Okinawa shortly before his ship leaves. Harm is there on leave while changing flights; the admiral directs Harm to the ship; Kate, already on Okinawa for duty, joins Harm; the two investigate; Meg joins them. The victim was well versed in a new computer-based combat-control system aboard his ship, which takes part in war games during the investigation. The new system badly malfunctions, taking control and heading the ship toward North Korea; a welcoming party from shore meets the ship and tries to seize it. Harm and company solve the mystery, and Meg regains control of the ship, which then turns back toward international waters. Written by DocRushing



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HD A New Life: Part 1

A New Life: Part 1


A New Life: Part 1 - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

A woman radar-intercept officer (RIO) disappears at night from an aircraft carrier in the Adriatic Sea. Two lawyers in the JAG Corps of the US Navy, Lt. Harm Rabb and Lt. Caitlin Kate Pike, investigate. Two Italian fishermen discover the body of the missing person. Despite resentment and resistance from several sources, Harm and Kate sort through the evidence, and they find the answers. Harm, a former Naval aviator, gets a ride in the back seat in combat aboard an F-14 Tomcat, of the type which he previously flew; while doing so, after the bird sustains damage, and the pilot loses consciousness, Harm flies back to the carrier and makes a successful landing at night. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shadow



Shadow - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

A vendor has placed an experimental torpedo and a civilian technician aboard a nuclear fast-attack submarine of the US Navy. After the boat fires the fish during an authorized exercise, the tech sends it on a mission of his own -- to shadow a cruise ship nearby until the US government pays a ransom. The JAG of the Navy sends Harm and a second lawyer, Ltjg. Meg Austin, to investigate and negotiate aboard the submarine. Mind games ensue. Meg, an expert in weapon and computer systems, eventually gets into the tech's laptop computer and the program by which he has controlled his torpedo. Harm and Meg save the day. Meg continues as Harm's new partner. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Desert Son

Desert Son


Desert Son - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

During a live-fire artillery exercise at a Marine Corps base, due to an error in relaying the coordinates, shells injure seven Marines in a recon team, one of whom later dies. The accused is a lieutenant who is a son of a former commandant of the Marine Corps. Harm and Meg investigate; they encounter stonewalling, lying, withholding of evidence, and tampering with evidence. Meg, with a helping hand from the mysterious Ollie North, provides the necessary evidence to prove the truth. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu


Déjà Vu - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.1

During the past 11 months three Navy men lieutenants have died during knife attacks in and around Washington; the most recent body is found in the Arlington National Cemetery. Harm and Meg investigate; their attention turns to the Thai ambassador, his wife, and his chief of security, because the victim gave the wife a ride shortly before he died. The chief gives a confession, but Meg distrusts it, and Harm reaches his own conclusions. Meg and Harm discover the truth. The events lead to Harm's revealing a part of his past as a teenager. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Pilot Error

Pilot Error


Pilot Error - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

A Navy pilot and his radar-intercept officer (RIO) die in a crash of an F-14 Tomcat while using a new Air Force fly-by-wire navigation system; the pilot was a friend and shipmate of Harm. Harm and Meg investigate. The vendor of the system insists that the cause of the crash was a pilot error; Harm believes otherwise. While Harm duplicates the fatal flight, he tries to induce an error by the system while flying a simulator, then the does so while flying a Tomcat; he and Meg eventually discover the cause. Harm also comforts the widow and her son. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD War Cries

War Cries


War Cries - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.4
47 min

In Lima, Peru, a local 15-year-old boy tries to sneak into the US embassy at night by jumping from the top of the perimeter wall; a Marine guard challenges him, and the boy fires at the guard, who returns fire and kills him. A strident Peruvian anti-US group stirs up strong feelings and violent behavior against the US citizens. While Harm and Meg investigate, they uncover a number of entanglements and complications; they take part in a shootout and survive it, and they eventually figure out the truth. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Brig Break

Brig Break


Brig Break - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.8

Marine gate sentries catch a first-class petty officer with a Stinger missile in the trunk of his car at a fictional submarine base in the Pacific Northwest; officials later find that a second Stinger also is missing. Harm and Meg investigate; at the base they meet Lt. Kate Pike, who was Harm's first partner. While Meg questions the suspect, a brig break takes place, and Meg becomes a hostage. Troops and a chopper pursue the escapees, much shooting follows, and Meg barely avoids drowning. Harm, Meg, and Kate eventually wind up with an armed small satchel-type nuclear weapon; they take it as far as possible from the base before it detonates, and they eventually disarm it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Scimitar



Scimitar - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Two Marines in a Humvee become lost and mistakenly drive from Kuwait into Iraq; then an Iraqi detail intercepts them, opens fire, kills one, and captures the other. The Iraqis charge the survivor with espionage; they announce their intent to try him and to allow US lawyers to defend him. The Iraqis conduct a rigged trial in a kangaroo court. However, Harm has a second duty: to spring the accused from prison (with help from an agent among the Iraqis, whose identity is unknown to Harm beforehand) and to take all three of them back into Kuwait and into friendly hands. After much fireworks Harm, Meg, and their client head back home. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Sightings



Sightings - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Around a fictional closed Naval air station near Del Rio, Texas, residents have reported sightings of supposed UFOs and strange electromagnetic phenomena, stories of supernatural events have abounded, and a 10-year-old girl has disappeared. At the request of a senator Harm and Meg investigate; they find not only the missing girl but also a number of baffling circumstances. They also find themselves as targets in gunfire. Eventually, though, they discover the explanations for the strange occurrences. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood


The Brotherhood - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.5
47 min

During an amphibious-landing exercise at Camp Pendleton, California, Marines find a comatose fellow Marine on the beach; Harm and Meg investigate. A local Marine officer has said that the victim, Pfc. Hanson, had slept off a drunk and a fight; however, a medical officer suggests otherwise; she says that Hanson received a beating, that there was no drug or alcohol in his blood, and that she has seen and treated similar injuries in other men from the same company. Harm and Meg find inconsistent data and a surprise; the company commander, a captain, helps Hanson to regain consciousness. Harm, Meg, and the captain run into trouble while fixing the problem, but they sort it out and set it right. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Defensive Action

Defensive Action


Defensive Action - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Harm gets a promotion to lieutenant commander. During a routine patrol of a no-fly zone, an F-14 Tomcat experiences a catastrophic malfunction; the crew ejects, and the bird explodes moments later. A Serb chopper strafes the pilot and the RIO, helpless, while they descend below their parachutes; Capt. Boone, the CAG, engages the helo and destroys it. The pilot dies. Harm and Meg investigate aboard USS Seahawk (CVN-65) in the Adriatic Sea. Higher authority orders the CAG to face a general court-martial in Naples; Harm and Meg defend him. Harm also takes part in a mission to rescue the RIO. The trial ends, then Harm and the RIO return with evidence in hand. The prosecutor learns about carrier flight operations. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Smoked



Smoked - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Lightning appears to strike an F-14 Tomcat and to disable its avionic gear at night during a flight to the Naval Air Station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The pilot wanders into Cuban airspace, and two Cuban fighters intercept him and force him to land at a Cuban airfield. Harm, Meg, and others fly to Cuba to negotiate a return of the aircraft and the pilot, although Castro has already made a deal to sell the advanced avionic programs to Iran. Games and intrigue ensue in Cuba. Harm and an old buddy have a reunion, then they escape in a borrowed aircraft; the others later return to Washington. RAdm. A.J. Chegwidden reports for duty. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hemlock



Hemlock - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

By mistake a foreign agent sends a document by fax to Meg's office. After he discovers his mistake, he, disguised as a commander in the Royal Navy, goes to Meg's office and retrieves the paper, then he shoots Meg and takes three shots at Cdr. Krennick, seeking to prevent them from identifying him. Meg undergoes surgery at the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. Harm and others pursue the assailant, who proves to be an assassin with an assignment to kill a political figure in Washington. After chases and fireworks the good guys track the bad one, and they not only prevent him from hitting his quarry but also put him out of action. Ollie North makes another special appearance. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD High Ground

High Ground


High Ground - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

A gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps receives orders to Bosnia contrary to a deal which he'd made with his detailer, and his CO refuses to listen; the gunny, an expert sniper, takes one shot at the Humvee carrying the CO, and he hits one mirror at a range of more than 1,000 meters. The colonel accuses him of attempted murder, but the gunny says that he merely tried to get his attention. Harm and Meg investigate. While awaiting a preliminary hearing the accused escapes from the brig. The CO, many Marines, Harm, and Meg all pursue. Harm finds him, and they return to the base. Harm arranges a demonstration of the gunny's sincerity and veracity. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Black Ops

Black Ops


Black Ops - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

A Navy lieutenant drowns during night maneuvers at sea; he was a Naval aviator temporarily assigned to a Seal team; he was also the son of a woman senator, who expresses much anger, criticism, and frustration toward the Navy. Harm and Meg investigate; the admiral and the senator join them at Roosevelt Roads in Puerto Rico. At first they meet stonewalling and misrepresentation; however, persistence and determination eventually produce the right answers, which lead to a surprising conclusion. Harm twice uses his flying skills. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Survivors



Survivors - EPS 18

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

A recently divorced Marine colonel has gotten into trouble with a judge about the custody of his minor son and his visitation with him; in a civilian court Harm represents the colonel, who has taken his son for an unauthorized hunting trip. Somehow in the colonel's mind the son and his memories of his best friend in Vietnam have become intertwined with each other. The sheriff's department conducts a manhunt. Harm becomes one of the hunted, but he brokers a deal, and, with Meg's help, everything works out. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Recovery



Recovery - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

A Navy astronaut dies by falling to the ground at Vandenberg AFB, California, when a steel cable fails during an emergency-evacuation drill in preparation for a space-shuttle mission to repair a satellite. Harm and Meg investigate the death of the Naval aviator. The evidence first casts suspicion on an ambitious fellow astronaut, but a second casualty turns attention toward the possibility of the involvement of an agent of another nation. Harm and Meg find a disgruntled civilian worker whom a foreign agent has recruited. The mission goes on schedule, then, acting on a hunch, Harm and Meg enable the colonel in charge to avert the destruction of the satellite in need of repair. Harm twice flies again. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Prisoner

The Prisoner


The Prisoner - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Harm makes an official visit to Hong Kong (while that place is still a British crown colony, shortly before the return of Hong Kong to China); there agents of the Chicom government capture him, take him into mainland China, then imprison and question him, believing that he can tell them whether the USA would intervene if the Chinese take the islands of Matsu and Quemoy back from the Taiwanese government. Harm undergoes vigorous questioning, mind games, and drug therapy; in his cell he imagines that he hears the voice of his father. Meg and Alison search for him. Despite deception and double-crossing among the Chinese and after a firefight at the border, Harm returns to Meg and Alison. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Ares



Ares - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.0

Someone kills a Naval officer on Okinawa shortly before his ship leaves. Harm is there on leave while changing flights; the admiral directs Harm to the ship; Kate, already on Okinawa for duty, joins Harm; the two investigate; Meg joins them. The victim was well versed in a new computer-based combat-control system aboard his ship, which takes part in war games during the investigation. The new system badly malfunctions, taking control and heading the ship toward North Korea; a welcoming party from shore meets the ship and tries to seize it. Harm and company solve the mystery, and Meg regains control of the ship, which then turns back toward international waters. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Skeleton Crew

Skeleton Crew


Skeleton Crew - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

The body of a slain woman Naval officer, a classmate and a special friend of Harm, is found ashore near her ship at the Naval Station in Norfolk. Harm and Meg investigate; friction develops between Harm and an NCIS agent, who demands that Harm be removed; Harm remains, but Alison takes the lead in the JAG investigation. The body of another Naval officer, a suspect, shot, apparently by suicide, is found in his stateroom. Harm suddenly finds himself in a pickle, then the season ends. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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