Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship

While awaiting the conversion of an aircraft carrier of the US Navy into a museum ship, inspectors discover the skeleton of an aviator lieutenant inside a previously sealed void compartment. Harm and Mac investigate in Alameda; Bud and Harriet research in Washington and continue to check out each other. Harm has some unusual experiences aboard the ship, and Mac strikes up a friendship with a local detective. The inspectors appear to have sought something other than rust. Harm finds an important book, which contains a clue about the whereabouts of his father. The local detective turns out to be someone else instead, and the book disappears. Webb lends a hand and says something nice. Written by DocRushing



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HD Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship


Ghost Ship - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

While awaiting the conversion of an aircraft carrier of the US Navy into a museum ship, inspectors discover the skeleton of an aviator lieutenant inside a previously sealed void compartment. Harm and Mac investigate in Alameda; Bud and Harriet research in Washington and continue to check out each other. Harm has some unusual experiences aboard the ship, and Mac strikes up a friendship with a local detective. The inspectors appear to have sought something other than rust. Harm finds an important book, which contains a clue about the whereabouts of his father. The local detective turns out to be someone else instead, and the book disappears. Webb lends a hand and says something nice. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Court-Martial of Sandra Gilbert

The Court-Martial of Sandra Gilbert


The Court-Martial of Sandra Gilbert - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.6
47 min

A single woman Marine helo pilot, an officer, faces suspicion of adultery with her flight-line chief, a married enlisted man. Mac and Bud go to Camp Pendleton to investigate; before they arrive, her CO signs charges against her, alleging that she has violated three articles of the UCMJ. The CO grounds her and sets the matter for a court-martial; Harm joins them to defend her. The Honorable Bobbi Latham, an outspoken activist pro-woman member of the US House of Representatives, also arrives, to make sure that the defendant gets fair treatment. New evidence becomes available during the trial, and that changes everything. The pilot still passes her qualification flights. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Good of the Service

The Good of the Service


The Good of the Service - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.9

A Marine recon team extracts other Marines imprisoned in Haiti due to rebel action; women and children die during gunfight. An admiral had ordered the officer in tactical command to wait before starting the mission. Harm and Mac seek to determine who ordered the start of the mission. The responsible officer, a lieutenant colonel, requests a court-martial rather than an admiral's mast; he admits having disobeyed the order to wait by placing the welfare of his men in Haiti over his career. Harm and Mac prosecute, and the admiral and Bud defend. Vigorous courtroom action ensues. Harm calls a surprise witness with surprising testimony. Justice prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Blind Side

Blind Side


Blind Side - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.5

During an exercise an F-14 Tomcat clips the top of a utility tower in Nevada. The two aviators eject and survive, and the aircraft crashes into a desert; however, burning debris from the crash kills a mother and a baby in a car on an adjacent road. Mac joins them from Washington to represent the pilot, who has requested a lawyer. While Harm recreates the fateful flight, he gives Mac a ride in a Tomcat; she finds it challenging. The evidence appears to implicate the CO of the involved squadron, who was a mentor and one of the instructors of Harm while he was in flight school. In a pretrial hearing Harm prosecutes him, and Mac defends him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD King of the Fleas

King of the Fleas


King of the Fleas - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.6
47 min

In Georgetown a paraplegic sidewalk accordionist, who served as a Marine and a PoW in Vietnam, kills a Vietnamese man, then he goes to the JAG headquarters and confesses. Harm hopes to gain some information from the veteran about his father, and he tries to do so. The vet first spins a fanciful yarn for Harm, then he admits to the falsehood, and eventually he gives a remarkable account of the savage treatment of him and his fellow prisoners in a camp in North Vietnam. The victim of the musician is the camp commandant, who sought and got refuge in the US, and who had lived in the US during the past 16 years. The vet recognized the Vietnamese and his speech in the crowd on the sidewalk. Harm volunteers to represent the vet in the civilian court. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Vanished



Vanished - EPS 06

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Forty miles off the Atlantic coast of Florida, inside the Bermuda triangle, a fully armed F-14 Tomcat vanishes with an experienced crew. Harm, Mac, Bud, and even the admiral investigate. Suddenly the wife and the young daughter of the missing pilot also disappear from family housing at NAS Jax. Many people report UFOs in Florida and Georgia during the same night when the Tomcat vanishes. The RIO from the missing bird staggers into a campground and winds up in a hospital in Miami. Bud revels in UFO and alien-abduction stories. The three musketeers figure out the problem, then the Navy recovers the aircraft, the pilot, and his family. Mac continues talking with Dalton. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Against All Enemies

Against All Enemies


Against All Enemies - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.8

During a test of a new version of a missile, a carrier-based F/A-18 Hornet accidentally fires a missile and destroys an aircraft first described as a North Korean commercial liner in international airspace above the Sea of Japan. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate aboard the carrier; they discover not only the cause of the unintended firing but also a spy message and the spy. During a confrontation with North Korea, a salvage vessel of the US Navy finds the wreckage of the downed aircraft, which proves to be not a commercial liner. Harm takes another ride in a Tomcat, with an atypical passenger under unusual circumstances. Bud and Harriet continue to build a history together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond


Above and Beyond - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.7

A SEAL team rescues a captive US diplomat from Hamas terrorists amid a fierce gunfight in Lebanon; the PotUS himself asks the SecNav to nominate a lieutenant, the OiC of the platoon, for the Medal of Honor. In Coronado, California, Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate the circumstances and the background; however, they have much trouble in learning anything -- because of the refusal of the lieutenant to talk about the incident due to his personal views and attitudes, and because of the refusal of his men to talk due to their perception of his behavior during the rescue. Eventually, though, Harm finds the pieces of the story and puts them together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Impact



Impact - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.9

During an exercise a Marine Corps helicopter has a midair collision with an unknown aircraft above the Mojave Desert; all but the pilot survive. Harm and Bud investigate; Mac stays in Washington and plays games with Dalton and his colleagues. A mysterious alleged federal agency takes control of the crash site and runs away Harm and Bud. The other aircraft appears not to have crashed nearby; Harm and Bud learn more about it, and they run into trouble, but the Marines arrive and save the day. Harm figures out how the crash happened. Harm also meets Clark Palmer, whom he'll see again later. Mac makes an important announcement to the admiral. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD People v. Rabb

People v. Rabb


People v. Rabb - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.0

Special agents of the FBI question Harm about the death of a Russian gangster who had offered to sell Harm stolen official documents allegedly about his father in Russia. The admiral sends Bud to get Webb, who springs Harm from the FBI. Harm then goes back behind bars on suspicion of murder, but, in an unorthodox move, Webb again gets him back out, yet Harm again winds up in a brig. The matter goes to a pretrial hearing, in which Mac, as a civilian, defends Harm. Mac and Harm feel pleased with the result of the hearing, but the agents of the FBI do not. Mac has another surprise conversation with the admiral, and Harm receives a photograph from a new acquaintance in Russia. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Defenseless



Defenseless - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.0

One night in her apartment in Washington, a woman Navy ensign shoots and kills a colonel of the Turkish army; she claims self-defense for her safety while he appeared to make a sexual advance on her. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate. The Turkish government applies political pressure on the admiral through the SecNav. Harm shows much persistence and perseverance, and Mac uses her feminine instincts. Someone opens fire on Harm and the defendant. Harm defends the ensign in a preliminary hearing; then he invites her to dinner at his pad, but she fails to show up. Later that evening in the office the admiral tells Harm more about the case. Bud and Harriet take another step together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Someone to Watch Over Annie

Someone to Watch Over Annie


Someone to Watch Over Annie - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.0

Annie Pendry, the widow from Pilot Error, and her son, Josh, have moved from San Diego to Baltimore. During a field trip to Andrews AFB, Josh watches a murder; he soon shows bad behavior, so Annie seeks help from Harm, who obliges. While Harm visits with Annie and Josh, the van from the murder drives by, and a passenger opens automatic fire on them; Harm takes them to his pad. Harm and Webb find the missing body, then Webb becomes agitated. One of the bad guys kidnaps Josh from the JAG headquarters. Harm, Mac, and the admiral bend some rules and bust some heads, and they rescue Josh. The JAG gang, Annie, and Josh have a reunion at Harm's place. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD With Intent to Die

With Intent to Die


With Intent to Die - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.5

During a hunting trip near Washington a three-star admiral, a deputy CNO, dies from a shotgun wound, apparently self-inflicted. A.J., a long-time personal friend of the victim, refuses to accept that it was suicide; he orders Harm, Mac, Bud, and Harriet to investigate. Harm and Mac turn in a report calling it suicide; A.J., still disbelieving, starts his own inquiry. Then someone stabs a two-star admiral to death. More evidence arrives, and the JAG gang all continue asking questions. Eventually A.J. connects the dots, and it begins to appear that he's next in line. Meanwhile Harm and Annie share some good times, but they also run into some bad moments. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Father's Day

Father's Day


Father's Day - EPS 14

IMDb: 7.5

During war games at Quantico a Marine corporal, driving a tank, becomes disoriented and accidentally demolishes his unit commander's tent; he then faces a court-martial for dereliction of duty. His personal life, which includes a drug-user estranged wife with sole custody of a one-year-old son, has diluted his attention and marred his performance. Harm, Mac, Bud, and Dalton all work to defend the corporal and to represent him in the custody proceeding. Harm gets a change of venue to Parris Island; however, en route there, the defendant escapes, returns to Quantico, seizes a tank, takes his son for a ride, and precipitates a confrontation. Harm brings in Grandma Bea to join the defense team, and she helps immeasurably. The story ends after the custody hearing but before the court-martial. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Yesterday's Heroes

Yesterday's Heroes


Yesterday's Heroes - EPS 15

IMDb: 8.3

During a joint drug-interdiction operation with the Coast Guard, a Navy frigate fires two warning shots across the bow of a suspect yacht, which has failed and refused to stop when ordered; the second round appears to hit the boat, and it sinks. A high-level South American official owns the yacht, and his son was aboard it. Harm, Mac, and Bud go to Miami and investigate; Harriet, as planned, goes to Naples, Florida, to visit her parents. The three musketeers meet three enthusiastic and enterprising elderly veterans with strong feelings; Bud meets Harriet's parents. The threesome figure out what happened, and the bad boy from South America goes back home. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Chains of Command

Chains of Command


Chains of Command - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.9

During air ops aboard a carrier a woman enlisted air-traffic controller makes a serious mistake; no casualty results. The command master CPO calls her to his office for counseling; she then alleges that he offered her favorable treatment in exchange for sexual favors. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate; the matter goes to trial. Harm and Bud prosecute, and Dalton and Harriet defend. Personal histories catch up into the present, and a witness makes personal confessions while on the stand. Dalton violates both ethics and a personal trust; Mac dumps him. Bud and Harriet have a bumpy ride. The three musketeers form an impromptu vocal trio at a nearby bar. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Stalker

The Stalker


The Stalker - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.1

Dalton and another person follow Mac and watch her; Dalton wishes to reconcile with her, but she refuses, saying that she can't trust him. Mac agrees to meet him one last time; however, he suffers an attack while she waits for him, then he dies in her arms. Harm meets someone by accident. Bud makes some good grades, but he and Harriet still have a problem. Harm and Mac prepare to defend a CPO against charges of assault and battery against a prostitute. Mac finds that an intruder has tossed her apartment. The admiral throws a party and introduces his daughter, who's come from Italy. The other stalker captures Mac, but Harm finds her and frees her. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Tiger, Tiger

Tiger, Tiger


Tiger, Tiger - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.7

Harm, Bud, and Josh take part in a weekend tiger cruise (for friends and relatives of Navy members) aboard a frigate in the Gulf of Mexico; Josh sights a raft with people believed to be Cuban refugees. The ship's crew rescues them; shortly afterward they reveal themselves as anti-Castro liberators. The terrorists take hostages, take over the ship, and prepare to launch missiles to hit Castro at a public event. Harm and Josh put out the word, and help starts moving. The bad guys launch two missiles, which do not reach their target. The crew regains control of the ship, and Harm, Bud, and Josh return to Washington. Annie makes an announcement to Harm, and, at almost the same instant, Bud gives Harm an announcement and an invitation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Death Watch

Death Watch


Death Watch - EPS 19

IMDb: 8.1

Mac learns more about Ltjg. Diane Schonke, who looked so much like her, and who died (in season 1) before Mac and Harm met each other. While Harm reexamines an old cache of letters (by both Harm and Diane), he deduces who killed Diane. Harm and Mac then discuss Diane, her death, and the investigation. Harm leaves, to intercept the killer, and Mac follows him. Harm and his suspect meet, then Mac arrives by surprise and amid unexpected circumstances. Astonished, the killer takes an unplanned and extreme action. Harm and Mac share a prolonged kiss; she makes an observation and asks a question, which Harm answers by saying that nobody will ever know. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Imposter



Imposter - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.7

Clark Palmer, a discredited rogue agent of a rogue federal agency, captures, immobilizes, and restrains Harm on the morning of the first day of a pretrial hearing on charges against a Marine lieutenant colonel accused of violating a chemical-weapon treaty. Harm and Mac are scheduled to prosecute, and a civilian mouthpiece defends. Palmer again renders Harm unconscious inside his apartment, then makes a mold and a mask so that he can impersonate Harm. The hearing starts with Mac but without Harm. However, belatedly the imitation Harm arrives, takes over the prosecution, and soon exposes the defendant to an aerosol containing a nerve gas. Meanwhile Bud helps Harm to escape and to go to the courtroom, where Harm detains Palmer. The admiral and others take the unconscious defendant to A.J.'s office, where they and Harm render help. Bud also gives Harriet a piece of jewelry. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Return of Jimmy Blackhorse

The Return of Jimmy Blackhorse


The Return of Jimmy Blackhorse - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.8

The US has received from New Zealand the remains of a Navajo WW2 codetalker who disappeared during R+R; the Marine Corps returns them to a Navajo cemetery, but a native medicine woman denies that the remains are his. Harm, Mac, Bud, and Harriet all investigate in Arizona and New Zealand. The Navy has proposed to name a new ship for the veteran, but the people of the tribe prefer that it not do so. The matter goes before a Navajo tribal court, the medicine woman reconsiders, and Harm proposes a solution. LCdr. Teresa Coulter, a pathologist, makes her first appearance. Bud and Harriet experience more problems, including an explosion in Las Vegas. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Clipped Wings

Clipped Wings


Clipped Wings - EPS 22

IMDb: 6.4

During a NATO exercise a carrier-based F-14D Tomcat has a midair collision with a civilian Italian helo; six locals die. The Italian government wishes to prosecute the pilot for manslaughter; the populace erupts in anger and indignation. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate in Italy; Mac prosecutes, and Harm and Bud defend. Rep. Latham goes to Italy to look after the interest of the US and its presence in Italy. The Navy pilot says that a light aircraft unexpectedly appeared, he avoided, and he then struck the chopper. Harm takes Bobbi for a ride, which she greatly enjoys. Harm and Bud persist in their search; Francesca joins them; they find the explanation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Wedding Bell Blues

Wedding Bell Blues


Wedding Bell Blues - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.1

Bud Sr. and Mike (Bud's father and younger brother) travel to Washington for Bud and Harriet's wedding. Bud Sr. leaves insults, injuries, and hurt feelings in his wake; Harriet's mother also causes much discomfort and embarrassment. Bud passes a big career milestone with grace and empathy. A dry cleaner loses Harm's dress whites, but Harm finds them in an unusual place. The girls go to Harriet's party, then Mac bails Harm, Bud, and the admiral out of a DC jail after Bud's party. Bud Sr. skips the beautiful wedding, and Mike arrives late. Harm takes charge of a detail of eight officers who form an arch of swords for the new couple; he also shows up with an unusual and unexpected date. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD To Russia with Love

To Russia with Love


To Russia with Love - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.4

Webb shows Harm a snapshot of his father and others in Siberia in 1980; he puts Harm in touch with someone who knows the details. After visiting his mother, Harm goes to Moscow, and Mac (who reads and speaks Russian) joins him; there they meet not only Alexei, an enterprising and resourceful taxi driver, but also two Russian functionaries whom they've previously encountered in the US. Webb and the admiral advise Harm and Mac about the two Russian agents. Harm and Mac obtain both a source of funds and a lead on the whereabouts of his father within Russia. Alexei helps them to borrow a MiG-29 (a copy of the F-14 Tomcat), but opposition suddenly appears. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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