

A Japanese man accuses a US Naval officer (from a visiting aircraft carrier) of raping his teenage daughter. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate; a rear admiral applies political pressure. The Japanese authorities indict the defendant, an ensign, take him into custody, and conduct a trial, which goes poorly; it goes even worse after the prosecutor catches the ensign in a lie. The Japanese court refuses to allow a US lawyer to defend him, and it provides a Japanese one who's not well qualified for a criminal defense. A major event sends the JAG himself to Japan. Eventually Harm takes part in a conversation which persuades a witness to step forward and explain what happened. Written by DocRushing



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HD Gypsy Eyes

Gypsy Eyes


Gypsy Eyes - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.1

A pair of Russian MiGs shoot down Harm and Mac's borrowed aircraft; they eject and safely reach the earth, where two gypsies befriend them by concealing them and helping them to continue their journey. The admiral follows to Moscow, where Alexei intercepts him too. The gypsy woman has a vision, which she believes to predict the future. Webb also shows up in Moscow, and he reveals that Alexei works for the CIA. Then they all meet at an airfield at night and have a shootout. Next the good guys help Harm and Mac to pursue his father's trail to its end, where, with Mac interpreting, he hears about his father's last years, his last day, and his burial. The vision truly recalled the past. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Embassy



Embassy - EPS 02

IMDb: 8.0

Webb arranges for Harm and Mac to attend a reception at the Sudanese embassy in Washington, supposedly so that Harm can hack into the computer system at the embassy and reload it remotely from outside. Mac provides a diversion, and Harm does his part. Then the Sudanese guards appear to take over the embassy, but Harm and Mac find that the takeover is a scam. Harm puts the word out to the world, and the ambassador, who is behind it all, tries to flee while taking Mac and a stolen lot of a lethal virus. A pacifist poet-professor talks some sense to the remaining guards, then Harm and Mac overpower the ambassador. Bud and Harriet learn some news. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Innocence



Innocence - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7

A Japanese man accuses a US Naval officer (from a visiting aircraft carrier) of raping his teenage daughter. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate; a rear admiral applies political pressure. The Japanese authorities indict the defendant, an ensign, take him into custody, and conduct a trial, which goes poorly; it goes even worse after the prosecutor catches the ensign in a lie. The Japanese court refuses to allow a US lawyer to defend him, and it provides a Japanese one who's not well qualified for a criminal defense. A major event sends the JAG himself to Japan. Eventually Harm takes part in a conversation which persuades a witness to step forward and explain what happened. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Going After Francesca

Going After Francesca


Going After Francesca - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.9

Harm, Mac, and Bud have gone to Italy to take part in a court-martial, and the admiral has gone there to inspect a JAG field office and to visit his daughter, Francesca. A band of Italian men kidnap Francesca; the admiral suspects that the abduction is somehow related to the trial about a theft of five Stinger missiles and the aborted attempt to sell the stolen missiles to Afghanistan. The defendant dies, and the admiral meets with Francesca's mother and stepfather. Even Webb contributes some information. The JAG team continues to solve the puzzle. Harm and the admiral pick up some ordnance and go hunting; they find not only Francesca but also a complicated shootout. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Martin Baker Fan Club

The Martin Baker Fan Club


The Martin Baker Fan Club - EPS 05

IMDb: 7.1

A former Naval aviator from Vietnam jumps to his death from a 10th-floor window of a VA mental hospital in Baltimore. Maryland charges Roscoe Martin, a fellow patient and a character from a previous episode, with second-degree murder. Roscoe, who, predictably, justifies his behavior, calls Harm to defend him. After the trial takes an unusual detour, Roscoe and three other patients show up at Harm's pad, as do first a cop and later a SWAT team. Roscoe's efforts bring official attention to some of the problems with the treatment and the confinement of the patients in his part of the hospital. Bud and Harriet run into a problem with their project. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Act of Terror

Act of Terror


Act of Terror - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.7

At night in the Persian Gulf a group of terrorists make a sneak attack on a US Naval warship and explode a weapon, killing five sailors. Upon the arrival of one of the prisoners in the USA, a Marine corporal on a guard detail turns and shoots him on live TV network coverage. Mac and Bud prosecute the corporal for first-degree murder, and Harm defends. However, an anonymous benefactor hires a high-priced and high-powered civilian lawyer who also was one of Mac's law professors at Duke. A super-zealous and super-conservative patriot becomes involved -- more than he had intended or expected. Harm gets back his old job, and he helps to solve the mystery. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Angels 30

Angels 30


Angels 30 - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.6

Two F-14 Tomcats encounter two MiGs on a patrol in a no-fly zone above Iraq, and one of the Tomcats goes down in action; nobody dies. Harm and Mac investigate aboard the host aircraft carrier. The pilot of the surviving Tomcat misses a shot, saying that an unknown voice told him not to fire at the attacking MiG. Harm takes a ride in a Tomcat, and two aviators in another Tomcat run into trouble. Mac not only finds the explanation for a mechanical problem but also suggests a solution to prevent an aircraft from accidentally entering enemy airspace. Everything works out aboard the carrier. Harriet gets a free dinner but runs into much inconvenience. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington

Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington


Mr. Rabb Goes to Washington - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.5

A TV-news network airs a report alleging that during Desert Storm a US Marine team has used sarin gas to assassinate three renegade US civilians working at an Iraqi facility in Kuwait producing chemical WMDs for Saddam Hussein. The three engineers died, as did four Marines, along with a fifth one who committed suicide three months later. Rep. Bobbi Latham requests the services of Harm as an adviser to a House subcommittee investigating the accusation; the admiral agrees. LCdr. Mic Brumby, RAN, both a lawyer and a submariner, arrives at the JAG headquarters for duty as an exchange officer. Mac's long-estranged husband suddenly shows up with complications. Differences come up between Harm and Bobbi, but they work it out -- after they catch the reporter in several lies. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD People v. Mac

People v. Mac


People v. Mac - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.0

Mac's long-estranged husband continues to hound her, and a bookie continues to hound him for a gambling debt; Mac describes that to LtCol. John Farrow (now on duty at Quantico but a former CO, mentor, and married lover of Mac from Okinawa). The local police arrest both Mac and John for the murder of her ex and for conspiracy; she calls Harm, who keeps her out of jail. The civilian authorities refer the case to the Navy. Cdr. Ted Lindsey prosecutes, Harm defends Mac, and Mic and Bud defend John. Harm and Mic clash with each other over defense strategy. Mac lies for John, and he lies for her; then Mic finds the bookie, and he tells on the stand what really took place, and how it happened. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Black Jet

The Black Jet


The Black Jet - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.1

LCdr. Jack Keeter, a long-time special friend of Harm, has unintentionally and unexpectedly arrived in a desert in Iran aboard an F-117 stealth spy aircraft; the Iranian government has announced its intent to prosecute him for espionage. Harm, Mac, and Mic all go to Iran and investigate; Webb also shows up in Teheran. They encounter many games in Iran. A local agent of the CIA provides much help; unfortunately, he also introduces a big problem. Carrying out a Webb plan, Harm and Mac seize Jack and head into the desert; Mac and Jack stay temporarily with some new friends while Harm goes elsewhere, but they later join him. Harm admits to having learned something. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Jaggle Bells

Jaggle Bells


Jaggle Bells - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.8

Chaos rules at the JAG headquarters on Christmas Eve due to a disabling snowstorm, the arrival of a young girl (Chloe) claiming to be Mac's daughter, the admiral's wish to get a substitute flight to Italy to visit his daughter, the arrest of a Navy woman psychiatrist for DUI, and the wrapping and delivering of Christmas presents for needy children. Chloe is believed to be an orphan and is Mac's little sister and a recently abused child. Somehow everything works out -- Chloe's father is alive, and Bud and Mac find him; the shrink was truly not drunk; Bud and Harriet take care of the gifts, and Bud finds the admiral a ride aboard a C-130 Hercules troop carrier. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Dungaree Justice

Dungaree Justice


Dungaree Justice - EPS 12

IMDb: 7.6

Three Navy enlisted men waylay the owner of a bar in Norfolk, and one of them, without provocation, harshly beats him. Harm and Mac investigate; they find a possible lead and an interesting shipboard ethic. Harm and Mac prosecute, and Mic and Bud defend. Testimony reveals that the three men and a woman sailor had previously gone together to the bar in question, that the woman had become unconscious and eventually raped, and that the assault on the owner had supposedly taken place as an act of vengeance. However, Harm finds out what had happened, and what could not have happened. Meanwhile Bud helps his brother, Mikey, to deal with his recent enlistment. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD War Stories

War Stories


War Stories - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.9

Serbian ultra-radical extremists have executed three NATO observers near Kosovo. A SEAL team went in to rescue; however, the officer in charge delayed the jump and missed the deadline by 37 minutes. The OiC now faces charges of disobeying a lawful order and involuntary manslaughter by culpable negligence. Mic prosecutes, Mac and Bud defend, and Harm takes charge of the JAG headquarters while the admiral takes some annual leave, during which time he unexpectedly becomes a technical adviser (later an unhappy one) to the making of a movie. The defendant objects to Bud's representing him, but he changes his mind after Bud finds a strong argument in his favor. Bud and Harriet make a pair of significant announcements. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Webb of Lies

Webb of Lies


Webb of Lies - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.4

Webb, a friend at the CIA, makes an urgent call to Harm at home one night, then Webb's cellphone dies before Harm answers. The next morning the admiral announces that Webb's body and two others were found after an explosion aboard a ship the evening before. Harm learns that Palmer is not in the penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth. It appears that there was a connection between one of the other victims and the Bradenhurst Corporation, involved previously with Palmer. Suddenly another CIA agent dies. While Harm visits Webb's mother, she receives a call from Lt. Abby Cowen; Harm seeks and finds her, then the two of them deal with Palmer. Meanwhile Bud receives a good grade report. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Rivers' Run

Rivers' Run


Rivers' Run - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.3

During a training exercise in the Appalachian Mountains, the OiC of a SEAL team comes under attack, apparently by a sniper; he returns fire toward a muzzle flash; he finds the body of a 14-year-old boy, who was a nephew of a fugitive bomber. The OiC returns to the hills and investigates on his own; the locals find him and put him on trial for murder in a kangaroo people's court; Harm and Mac follow and find him, and Harm defends him. After much unconventional courtroom maneuvering, the jury reaches a verdict, and the judge announces his decision, then the admiral and the FBI arrive aboard helos. Each side winds up and goes home. Meanwhile Harriet takes a step upward. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Silent Service

Silent Service


Silent Service - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.1

A US submarine mistakenly surfaces in the middle of a sailing regatta in Norwegian territorial waters. Harm and Mac go aboard the sub underway to investigate; they find also a series of illnesses and an injury; they suspect that someone aboard has induced the problems. An unexpected change of orders causes the boat to make a transit under the Arctic ice to the Pacific Ocean. With help from Bud at the HQ, Harm narrows the list of possible suspects, and that prime suspect suddenly does a number on Harm. Both Harm and Mac deal with him and eventually beat him at his own game. During their time at sea they work out their differences. They and the bad guy ride a helo together back to the US. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Nobody's Child

Nobody's Child


Nobody's Child - EPS 17

IMDb: 8.1

A five-year-old girl dies by strangulation during a school field trip to a Naval museum in Washington, DC; nobody reports a corresponding missing child. Harm takes a strong personal interest in the case, so he gets the admiral's consent for him to investigate; he calls in LCdr. Teresa Coulter, a pathologist. Autopsies show a history of malnutrition and physical abuse. With Bud's help Harm finds a source of information, which takes him to another lead, which takes him and Teresa to the victim's twin sister, who's alive. They learn the identity of the killer, and Harm resolves to pursue him until he finds him. Meanwhile Bud passes the bar exam on his first attempt. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shakedown



Shakedown - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.0

Having already passed the bar exam, Bud takes an oath (from the admiral) as a member of the JAG Corps. Aboard the fictional USS Coral Sea (CV-43) in the Persian Gulf, a series of major engineering casualties result in several serious injuries and other problems which for several hours prevent her from conducting flight operations (while seeking to enforce the no-fly zone). Harm and Mac investigate; they learn that some engineering troubles have persisted some time. They consider the possibility of sabotage, and attention turns toward two tech reps aboard. Then the disbursing office gets ripped off. Amid even more excitement Harm and Mac figure it out, and Harm takes a ride. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Adversaries

The Adversaries


The Adversaries - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.5

Bud receives a promotion from lieutenant (junior grade) to full lieutenant; then Bud Sr. enters in uniform, announces that the Navy has recalled him to active duty to try him at a court-martial (for larceny and wrongful disposition of government property), and he asks Bud to defend him. Harm prosecutes, Bud defends, and Bud Sr. assaults and batters a government witness. Bud proves to be a vigorous and aggressive adversary at trial. Bud and Harriet throw a wetdown party at Murphy's Tavern. Continuing to look after Dar-lin, LCdr. Jordi Parker takes her to the JAG office, and Dar-lin identifies the bad guy from some mug shots; the NCIS people find his fingerprints at Grandma's house. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Second Sight

Second Sight


Second Sight - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.5

After receiving a call from a priest at a hospice in California, Mac flies to Fresno to deal with the dying of her estranged father; her estranged mother likewise shows up at the hospice. Mac feels and expresses much anger in many directions and frustration about many matters; she has candid conversations with the priest and with her mother, and she reaches some resolution with each of her parents. Meanwhile Bud and the admiral, despite troubles and interruptions, conduct a video conference with the CNO while he's at sea, and Harm gets laser surgery on his eyes, hoping to improve his vision. Power problems continue. Harriet takes a tumble, and Harm catches her. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Wilderness of Mirrors

Wilderness of Mirrors


Wilderness of Mirrors - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.6

To prepare to represent the Navy and the US by arguing a case before the Supreme Court of the US, the admiral conducts a weekend practice session, using Harriet as the clerk, Mac and Mic as associate justices, and Bud as the chief justice; Bud really enjoys playing his role as the head cat. Meanwhile Clark Palmer, a rogue agent from a discredited former federal agency, spooks Harm by playing with his mind; this time he involves LCdr. Jordi Parker, Harm's psychiatrist girlfriend. Harm chases through a rainstorm to Georgetown and back, just in time to rescue Jordi from Clark. Finally Mac informs the admiral that, on the eve of his big appearance, his case has suddenly became moot. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Soul Searching

Soul Searching


Soul Searching - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.0

A year ago Bosnian Serbian terrorists in Italy kidnapped a CIA agent, Tim Fawkes, who is a significant person in the histories of both Clayton Webb and the admiral; Webb, having learned that Tim is still alive, has begun efforts to rescue him, and he asks for help from the admiral, who obliges. Webb and the admiral go to Rome, where they participate in local fun and games; they run into interference from a source on our side, but they develop a plan and put it into play, during which they take part in some important talk about baseball. Meanwhile, Harm's Corvette disappears one night, then he, Mac, and Bud and Harriet all show up with new wheels. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Yeah, Baby

Yeah, Baby


Yeah, Baby - EPS 23

IMDb: 7.9

Having obtained successful surgery on his eyes, Harm submits a request to change back his designator to that of a Naval aviator. Mac, Jordi, and the admiral advise against that; the admiral takes the matter to the SecNav, who first disfavors the idea, but who then recognizes it as a way to get Harm out of Washington and away from him. While staying with Mac in her pad, Chloe comments about boys and about the relationships between Mac and Harm and between Mac and Mic. Bud prosecutes, and Carolyn defends, a Marine staff sergeant for inducing a subordinate to impregnate her. Two women in different parts of the JAG building go into labor and give birth the same day. Harm and Mac exchange contingent promises about a time five years hence. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Goodbyes



Goodbyes - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.5

The admiral advises Harm to give much serious thought to his request for a change in his designator. A detective gives Harm a lead about the killer of Annie, Dar-lin's twin sister; Harm and Jordi talk with Dar-lin, and Harm starts looking for Charlie, the suspected killer. Harm, Mac, Jordi, and the admiral attend the christening of the Roberts baby, then Harm and Jordi follow Charlie's latest steps and misdeeds. The trail leads to the Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia; Harm finds Charlie and Dar-lin, who then starts down a path toward an adoption in a loving family. Harm receives orders to the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, so he makes a round of goodbyes in the office. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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