Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Because things have been disappearing from his desk, Dave has a card-operated security door installed at the station entrance. Meanwhile, Bill is hired to do a TV commercial for a blue-jean company.
All Episodes - S04
Dave finds a man is standing at his office window ledge. After casually greeting the man, Dave, after some trouble getting a phone, calls 911. Bill sees a major opportunity and decides to go out for an exclusive interview with the man. Joe helps him with his home-made climbing equipment and Bill goes out on the ledge. While Dave is the only one thinking about the safety of the two men, it turns out the man on the ledge wants to read a statement on the air. Otherwise, he'll jump. Written by Marco van Hoof
The station is losing money and Jimmy decides to bring in an efficiency expert and cut costs. Matthew picks that day to be more odd than usual.
Beth and Joe tell Dave to talk Andrea into getting Matthew back. Dave agrees with them, but has bigger fish to fry when Andrea introduces Steve Johnson, the man she brought over 'to help' Dave but is actually hired to take over from Dave. On top of this, Dave is also being bugged by Bill who, at the office, has started a musical act where he sings satirical songs about politicians while accompanying himself on piano. Meanwhile, Mr. James lets a camera crew film around the office for a documentary about him. Unfortunately, Mr. James starts acting rather weird when the camera rolls. Written by Marco van Hoof
Andrea announces she wants to do some tests with the staff. Joe somehow gets hold of the test and discovers it's a lie detector test. Dave lets Beth arrange a lunch in a restaurant so he can tell the staff what Andrea has in reserve for them. In the restaurant, it turns out Matthew is now a waiter and Lisa has done time. Meanwhile, the Japanese translation of Mr. James' autobiography is a hit in Japan. Because the original English version bombed, Mr. James has the book translated from Japanese back into English, hoping it will be a hit this time. To bring attention to the book he does a book reading. Written by Marco van Hoof
Lisa mistakingly believes she's been dumped by Dave, which Andrea finds out about and leads to an investigation of the relationship. Andrea deludes herself into thinking she and Lisa and friends. Bill causes Mr. James legal trouble after suggesting foreign diplomats be dragged out from cars and beaten for not paying parking tickets, and one subsequently is. Beth and Joe discover Matthew has a real talent. Written by Justin Boggan
As the new boss, Lisa attempts to make a good first and serious impression on the staff, which ends in epic failure. Dave, trying to get his job back, decides to become Pure evil and unleash Bill, which doesn't bring the results he hoped for. Matthew is now living in Lisa's office, having been kicked out of his apartment. Written by Justin Boggan
When Catherine decides to leave WNYX, each staff member recalls a different version of the event.
Mr. James has made a bet with Ted Turner that someone from WNYX will win a talent show. However, the act Mr. James had in mind can't perform on the show and he tells Dave and the others that he'll rehire Matthew if somebody wins the talent show. Bill and Beth start a musical act, Joe has an act where he hits things really hard without hurting his hand and Lisa can solve any complex mathematical equation. Dave also has an act, but won't do it and won't tell what it is because he thinks he'll be laughed at. Written by Marco van Hoof
Bill tells the staff he'll be adopting a baby. Dave, Lisa and Joe think this is a bad idea and Dave and Lisa try to talk Bill out of it. They even take him to a park where Bill turns out to be a true children's friend, which makes Dave think Bill might be a good dad after all. Meanwhile, Mr. James is auctioning himself at a charity event and because he's afraid women might not bid (much) on him, he asks Beth to play a duchess and come to the charity event so she can force up the price. Written by Marco van Hoof
It's Dave's 32nd birthday. Three old college friends with whom he sung in an all male a cappella singing group pay him a visit. His joy soon turns into amazement when they seriously say the four of them once made a pact saying that if they were 32 and still single, they'd try to launch a singing career. One of the guys divorced his wife for this pact while the other two quit their jobs, which makes Dave very uncomfortable with the whole situation. Meanwhile, Joe can't stand one of the singing guys and Matthew gets yelled at by Lisa, which makes him cry. Written by Marco van Hoof
For the umpteenth time Bill has pestered Lisa. Dave recognizes Bill is a real tie and he and Lisa decide to make Bill the boss so he realizes how hard the job is. That'll teach him a much needed lesson. Unfortunately for Dave and Lisa, Bill seems to be managing fine. Meanwhile, Joe is on strike and has to control his urge to fix broken stuff around the office. Written by Marco van Hoof
Dave and Lisa tell Mr. James they both don't want to be the boss, but Mr. James tells them to run for the position of the boss anyway in order not to create commotion among the staff. And so, a campaign with debate, after which the staff can vote, follows. Matthew runs for the position of office fire marshal and, despite the fact he has no opponent, wants to campaign and debate as well. Meanwhile, Joe's brothers are visiting because of the preparations of their parents' wedding anniversary. However, they scuffle more than they talk. Written by Marco van Hoof
Because things have been disappearing from his desk, Dave has a card-operated security door installed at the station entrance. Meanwhile, Bill is hired to do a TV commercial for a blue-jean company.
Lisa and Beth try to find out why Matthew has gotten a brother from the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Dave seemingly becomes paranoid when Bill suggests Lisa has a secret new boyfriend, which leads Bill, Joe, and Mr. James on the hunt for whom the guy is. Written by Justin Boggan
Using information secretly collected by secret office observers, Mr. James notices Dave and Lisa's productivity levels were higher when they were dating, so Mr. James set out to try and get them back together, but when that fails, Bill steps in. Mr. James gets Matthew a small red car for his birthday, which he drives around the building and meets a girl with. Written by Justin Boggan
Mr. James announces he is going to circle the Earth in a hot air balloon. Bill tries to quit smoking by instead using chewing tobacco.
After a co-worker nobody knew dies in a freak incident involving a copy machine Joe modified, Joe blames himself for the man's death. An old college friend of the departed shows up wanting to know more about Ted, and the staff, lead by Bill, make up lies. Written by Justin Boggan
Mr. James has Dave take in his only normal nephew, Walt, to train, which he has Bill do. Matthew tells Dave he has a crush on Lisa and wants to ask her out. Walt has a crush on Lisa.
Jimmy sponsors an ultimate fight contest between Mathew and Joe. Bill begins recording his conversations with Lisa.
Beth and some other female employees won't be at work today, making Lisa the only woman on the work floor. The guys however, consider today an all-male work environment and Lisa wonders why she isn't considered a woman. Mr. James has a document stating - thanks to a typo by the way - the building is a national monument and that they can get subsidy if guided tours are held. Enter Matthew who tells the tour groups everything there isn't to know about the building. Written by Marco van Hoof
In this - by out-of-character stepping Phil Hartman introduced - Titanic (1997) spoof, Dave is the captain of the ship who warns the crew for icebergs but gets jeered. Nevertheless, he tells sailor Matthew to be on the look-out for icebergs. Bill is a bourgeois passenger who doesn't want the riff-raff from third class to be on the same deck as the elite. Joe is the mechanic and Lisa is the beautiful young, stylish woman who's wooed by Walt. Written by Marco van Hoof