Season 01
Season 02
Season 03
Season 04
Season 05
Season 06
Season 07
Season 08
Season 09
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Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
Season 21
Season 22
Season 23
Season 24
Season 25
Season 26
Season 27
Season 28
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Season 30
Season 31
Season 32
Season 33
When the Simpsons fail to keep up their mortgage payments and their house is put up for auction Ned takes pity on them and buys it,so they can be his tenants. Homer is unreasonably demanding in wanting every single repair done and when Ned at last reasonably refuses Homer portrays him to the media as an evil,grasping landlord.Ned counters by evicting the family and is about to rent to a young couple with views similar top his own. But deep down he misses his troublesome neighbours. Written by don @ minifie-1
All Episodes - S20
Homer gets arrested during a riot at a St. Patrick's Day parade. While out on bond, he meets a bail bondsman who gets him a job in the same line of work. Homer proves inept at his new occupation and nearly loses his life when a bond-jumper fires a bullet at his head. Luckily, Flanders happens to be standing in front of Homer with a sheet of bullet-proof glass. A grateful Homer persuades Flanders to be his partner. Ethical dilemmas mark Flanders's new job with his unethical buddy. But the worst dilemma comes when Flanders is asked to bring in one last bond-jumper: Homer Simpson. Meanwhile, Marge takes a job baking cakes before she realizes her new employer is an erotic bakery. Written by J. Spurlin
As the only kid in school not to own a cell phone Bart cannot believe his luck when he finds one discarded on the golf course by Denis Leary,which he uses to make prank calls to bars around the world. Marge gets a call from Denis,advising her to activate the phone's tracking chip,which will allow her to keep tabs on Bart at all times,but Bart gets wind of this and transfers the chip to a bird's leg. Consequently the family are led to Machu Picchu and a new appreciation of each other. Written by don @ minifie-1
After a prank too far at a ritzy hotel and the threat of all privileges being withdrawn,Bart is only too happy to change places with look-alike Simon Woosterfield,son of the hotel's millionaire owners and to enjoy a life of luxury. However,whilst Simon settles into life at the Simpsons,Bart finds himself the victim of attempted murder by his jealous half-sister and brother,out to gain his inheritance and,after Simon comes clean,the family rush to Aspen to stop Bart from being the victim of a skiing 'accident'. Written by don @ minifie-1
After Homer gets eaten by a demonic polling booth an 'untitled robot parody' shows Lisa's Christmas present, a Malibu Stacey car, turn into a transformer as inanimate objects around Springfield follow suit and declare war on each other, Marge's peace suggestion being less than helpful. Then, after accidentally killing Krusty, Homer is approached by ad men to murder celebrities to avoid paying them royalties for product endorsement - but the illustrious ghosts fight back. Finally Milhouse unwisely conjures the Great - and cannibalistic - Pumpkin on Halloween, requiring a giant turkey to come and save the kids of Springfield. Written by don @ minifie-1
Taking the kids for a holiday at the Kozy Kabin,the Simpsons pick up a young couple hitching,and recall two past incidents involving stays at the Kabin. Twenty years earlier they accepted a lift from the newly-wed Maude and Ned Flanders,determined to stop them from having pre-marital sex. Five years later each turned up at the Kabin on the rebound with a sexy partner who,as a result of the meeting,got married themselves. Now it's Bart and Lisa who act like a bickering couple though it inadvertently saves their parents' lives. Written by don @ minifie-1
Having told Seymour that Edna has called off their engagement,Homer gets to tell lovers their partners have dumped them - as a job. Meanwhile Lisa develops a talent for solving crosswords and enters a contest,winning money for Homer when he bets on her. However when he bets against her in the final and she does lose she feels betrayed,until he comes up with a novel way of saying 'Sorry' to her. Written by don @ minifie-1
Homer comes to the conclusion that the family of Bart's new Muslim friend are terrorists who are secretly plotting to blow up Springfield Mall. Meanwhile, Lisa learns about fiscal responsibility when she gets her own Mypod ... and eventually, a $1,200 bill. Written by Brian Rathjen
Alarmed that the bee population is dying Lisa creates a breeding ground in an old greenhouse but Burns demolishes it to make way for a new stadium to house his recently acquired basketball team. Thanks to Moe's cross-breeding Lisa's swarm with a group of killer African bees the little winged creatures come back to take their revenge on Burns and lead to the destruction of his stadium. Written by don @ minifie-1
Lisa and her new best friend create their own fantasy world, but Marge doesn't want Lisa to see her friend anymore after she finds out that they're too far gone in it.
Homer finds out that he actually won the senior class president election, and he gets an opportunity to find out how his life would have been different if it had happened.
Superintendent Chalmers decrees that the school sit a test but Bart and the other under-achievers are sent to Capital City with Seymour so that the bad marks they would inevitably get will not let the school down. Once in Capital City Seymour proves himself to be an unlikely hero to the boys when he saves Ralph from danger. Back in Springfield he proves himself a hero to Lisa,who is having problems with the test. Written by don @ minifie-1
When the Simpsons fail to keep up their mortgage payments and their house is put up for auction Ned takes pity on them and buys it,so they can be his tenants. Homer is unreasonably demanding in wanting every single repair done and when Ned at last reasonably refuses Homer portrays him to the media as an evil,grasping landlord.Ned counters by evicting the family and is about to rent to a young couple with views similar top his own. But deep down he misses his troublesome neighbours. Written by don @ minifie-1
In order to rescue Maggie from a Catholic orphanage, Lisa must solve a series of puzzles to reveal the identity of a gem that will bring peace to Springfield.
Feeling bad because they were too busy enjoying their new hot tub to remember to support Grampa at the Retirement Castle's sports day,the Simpsons take him to Ireland to revisit Tom O'Flanagan's pub where he had many a happy drink during the war. Unfortunately the new Irish are too busy making money to visit traditional pubs and the bar is empty. However Tom gets Abe and Homer drunk and the morning after they find they have bought the pub. To discover ways of drumming up trade they fly in Moe,who has the perfect answer. Permit people to light up in defiance of the No Smoking ban. The customers pour in. But then so do the police... Written by don @ minifie-1
Homer is kidnapped moments before he and Marge are supposed to re-renew their vows. However, Marge comes to the conclusion that Homer left her at the altar.
Dating on the Internet Moe cannot believe his luck when he sees a photo of the beautiful Maya but when they meet she turns out to be unnaturally short. He considers having an operation to cut him down to her size but she believes he is only seeing her as short rather than beautiful and leaves him - with a pleasant memory. Homer meanwhile is claiming to spend his days with Maggie but is leaving her in a park behind Moe's tavern where she is threatened by bullying infants. After Marge has worked out the problem Homer rallies to his daughter's defence though it's Maggie who stops Homer from getting beaten up by the other tots. Written by don @ minifie-1
Bart gets Milhouse to take the rap for a prank at school, and then blows him off when he falls for a cute 5th grade do-gooder, prompting Milhouse's wrath. Meanwhile, Lisa begins taking happy pills to improve her negative outlook.
Having burned his tongue and rendered it extra-sensitive to taste Homer samples the bland food at the school cafeteria where he also sees for himself that Bart is a hopeless scholar and Lisa a social outcast. He decides to be a good father by teaching Lisa how to be a popular socialite and helping Bart build a model of Westminster Abbey for his class project. Both ventures fail,though at least it has helped the kids find their own level and there are compensations for him in the sauna that Marge has recently discovered in the basement. Written by don @ minifie-1
The Simpsons set up a fake residence in Waverly Hills so that Bart and Lisa can attend school there.
A series of parodies based on four strong women: Queen Elizabeth, Snow White, Lady MacBeth, and Ayn Rand.
Krusty's new eco-burgers bring food poisoning to Springfield thanks to contaminated barley,an ingredient imported from neighboring Ogdenville. Conssequently the Ogdenville economy plummets and its citizens,descendants of Norwegians,migrate to Springfield where they are initially welcomed for their industry. However their customs start to swamp those of Springfield and Quimby decrees that a wall be built to keep any more incomers at bay. The Ogdenvillers are allowed to help in its construction,during which time a strange new bond forms between the two townships. Written by don @ minifie-1