Season 01
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Season 21
Season 22
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Season 27
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Season 30
Season 31
Season 32
Season 33
While trying to coax Maggie into saying her first word, Homer and Marge talk about how Lisa spoke hers.
All Episodes - S04
Bart and Lisa head to Kamp Krusty for the Summer, but instead of meeting Krusty, them and the other kids are put to work making crummy merchandise. Written by Tiff Banks
After blowing up in Homer's face, Marge is cast as the lead in a musical production with Ned Flanders as her love interest, but the more she plays the part, the madder she gets at Homer; Maggie attempts to retrieve her pacifier from the nanny. Written by ATandT U-Verse
Homer decides not to attend church one Sunday and has the time of his life and vows never to return to church again, however one Sunday after falling asleep while smoking a cigar he accidentally sets fire to The Simpsons house, Flanders spots the flames and rescues him, Homer comes to his senses and turns up at church the following Sunday(asleep). Written by wodder
With her self-esteem shattered by a school carnival cartoonist, Homer decides to enter Lisa in a local children's beauty contest, which she ends up winning by default. But when she finds out how heavily involved Laramie Tobacco is in using the contest to sell cigarettes, she uses her position as a platform against the tobacco industry and other establishments of power and corruption. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey
In Clown Without Pity, a Krusty the Clown doll goes berserk in the Simpson home. In King Homer, Marge is wooed by a giant ape. And final story, In Dial 'Z' for Zombies, Bart's attempt to bring back the family cat turns the town of Springfield into a pack of bloodthirsty zombies. Written by Tiff Banks
During Parent-Teacher Night at school, Ms. Krabappel tells Marge she is troubled by Bart's increasingly demonic behavior. She urges Homer and Marge to be more strict with Bart when it comes to discipline. They try out Krabappel's advice when Bart damages Grampa's dentures in his latest household antics and ground him from supper. Bart realizes he needs to change, but when Homer comes into his room with pizza, he decides he can get away with anything. However, Bart eventually presses his luck. One day when he is asked to watch Maggie, she wanders off and knocks the car in gear, crashing it into Springfield Prison (resulting in a massive jailbreak). This time, Homer decides he needs to be severe with Bart: He can never watch the soon-to-open The Itchy and Scratchy Movie, a movie that has seen a massive advertising blitz in Springfield. Bart forlornly watches a long line for the movie extend past his house, and as the months pass, he finally realizes he needs to change. Homer tells him... Written by Brian Rathjen
Bart has pulled one prank too many and Mrs. Krabappel accuses him of being the boy who cried 'Wolf!' so it is unfortunate that,when a real wolf escapes from a television studio and attacks him, nobody will believe him. After the house is discovered to need the foundations repaired Marge gets a job at the power plant and attracts the lustful attentions of Monty Burns,who arranges to have Tom Jones sing for her but sacks her when he finds out that she is married. Written by don @ minifie-1
The Winfields,who live next door to the Simpsons,move and are replaced by divorced Ruth Powers and her teen-aged daughter Laura. Bart enjoys it when Laura baby-sits for him and his sisters and develops a crush on her. When he finds out that she is dating Jimbo Jones he makes a prank call to Moe's Tavern,pretending to be Jimbo who is frightened off by Moe and rejected by Laura,who says she would date Bart were he older. After unsuccessfully trying to sue Captain McAllister's restaurant and its All-You-Can-Eat boast Homer becomes a living advertisement for the place as Bottomless Pete :Nature's Cruellest Mistake. Written by don @ minifie-1
Homer buys a truck with an attached snow plow after he destroys his car, and to pay for it, he starts a snow shoveling business, calling himself Mr. Plow. It all goes off without a hitch, until he finds himself in competition with The Plow King, a.k.a. Barney Gumbel. Now begins the winter of discontent. Written by Explorerds6789
While trying to coax Maggie into saying her first word, Homer and Marge talk about how Lisa spoke hers.
Years of poor eating habits catch up with Homer when he suffers a massive heart attack. The family can't afford the triple bypass operation he needs from Dr. Hibbert, so they go to a discount quack named Nick Riviera.
After receiving a considerable donation of money, the people of Springfield decide what to spend it on. Enter Lyle Langley, a jocular salesman who gets Springfield hooked on a monorail system. After the monorail is up and running, and with Homer as the conductor, it's time for the maiden voyage. Little do the people know they have just boarded a one-way train to Hell. Written by Explorerds6789
Selma starts to feel broody, but after taking Bart and Lisa to Duff Gardens, she changes her mind.
After Homer forgets to pick up Bart from soccer practice, Bart joins a mentor program called Big Brothers presenting himself as an orphan, and is assigned a big brother called Tom. When Homer finds out, he joins the program too as a big brother. Written by Emil Petersen
Feeling sorry for Ralph, Lisa sends him a Valentine card. Having developed a crush on her, Ralph invites Lisa to go see the Krusty the Clown show. She accepts but after Krusty asks them if they are boyfriend and girlfriend, Lisa lets Ralph know that she just wants them to be friends. Written by wodder-1
Homer gets barred from driving and forced to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. He decides to use Lisa's bike but only falls off and gets bombarded with bottles from the Duff balloon. However he eventually keeps his promise to Marge to stay Duffless for thirty days and they cycle off into the sunset. Lisa proves that a hamster is more intelligent than Bart in the run up to displaying their science projects but he ultimately upstages her by flying the hamster around the class in a miniature plane. Written by don @ minifie-1
Mr. Burns revokes the dental plan from the power plant's union contract, and when Homer realizes that he'll now have to pay for Lisa's new braces, he leads the power plant employees on a strike, while Mr. Burns struggles to put an end to the rioting. Written by anonymous
Homer plays a series of (childish) practical jokes on Bart. To get even, Bart uses a paint mixer at a local hardware store to shake up a can of Homer's beer. Homer opens the can, resulting in a huge explosion that seriously injures the Simpsons patriarch.
After watching a particularly tame Itchy and Scratchy show Lisa and Bart send one of their own scripts to the studio but it is rejected as they under age so they write some more and get Grandpa to say that he is the author. As a result Grandpa wins an award but at the presentation ceremony is horrified to see one of the cartoons for the first time. Homer,meanwhile,has to attend night school after it is discovered that he never actually graduated. Written by don @ minifie-1
Marge teaches Bart at home after Skinner expels him. Lisa is horrified to find that it is Whacking Day,when Springfield citizens beat snakes to death so,helped by Barry White,she and Bart rescue the snakes by directing them to the Simpsons' house. Bart discovers that the real origin of Whacking Day was to beat up Irishman,a fact which impresses Skinner who lets him back in the school. Written by don @ minifie-1
A misunderstanding leads to Marge being imprisoned for shoplifting. In her absence, the family, and eventually, the town itself, descend into chaos.
A massive week-long advertising blitz declaring Gabbo to be coming. Gabbo turns out to be a ventriloquist dummy whose show airs directly opposite the Krusty the Clown show. Having beaten off hordes of competition before, Krusty laughs off the threat, but while Gabbo's star rises, Krusty's falls. His show is unceremoniously canceled. Broke, obese, and desperate for work, he turns to Bart and Lisa for help. Eventually they persuade many of Krusty's celebrity friends (Johnny Carson, Bette Midler, Hugh Hefner, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and his half-brother Luke Perry) to join him in a TV comeback special. Written by Attmay