

In Richmond, Virginia, an injured Navy lieutenant grabs a jug of caustic drain cleaner, chugs it, and drops dead; Gibbs and company investigate; Tony soon learns about some of the recent behavior of the victim. While Ducky and Palmer head back toward Washington, DC, in their van, one tire blows out; three people detain them, take them to a secluded cabin, and require Ducky to perform an improvised autopsy there. Meanwhile Abby learns about the location and behavior of the victim just before he died, and the team trace the van. Tony learns about the peculiar circumstances of the victim, and Abby confirms that things do not jibe; she also traces some of his activities; she further deduces who roughed up the vic before he died; the gang find the assailant, and he tells Gibbs why. The gang follow Duck and Palmer into a forest, find one dead bad guy, then find the dynamic duo and seize the other bad guy. The bad woman takes Palmer's bait, then the team grab her as expected. Written by DocRushing



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HD Extreme Prejudice

Extreme Prejudice


Extreme Prejudice - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The Duck had a heart attack after hearing the news of the explosion at the headquarters of the NCIS; Palmer goes to him in Florida, then he returns alone to Washington. The building took heavy damage; several people died, and more, including McGee, sustained injuries; everyone on the Gibbs team survived. The PotUS orders all federal law-enforcement agencies to pursue Dearing with extreme prejudice; Fornell too takes part. Dearing meets a new friend, but that does not go as planned. Ziva points out a flaw. Another car explodes, but Dearing again eludes. The gang and others follow Dearing to a farmhouse in West Virginia, but they miss him by 20 minutes. Gibbs, on his own initiative but with Vance's consent, seeks Vance alone in a predictable place, and he finds him there, as Dearing has hoped and expected; Dearing welcomes Gibbs cordially, but he makes the bad mistake of pulling a pistol on Gibbs. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Recovery



Recovery - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Again Abby calls Gibbs at 03:00 because of a nightmare; Navy Seabees continue to work on the repairs to the headquarters building; a shrink (a crisis counselor) arrives with orders to make mandatory psychologic evaluations on all hands after the explosion. Divers find, in her submerged car, the body of Midge Watkins, a worker in the NCIS armory, who disappeared on the day of the evacuation, four months ago; Palmer finds a gunshot wound in her abdomen; Abby finds a bullet in the car, then she discovers something unusual about it. Tony and Ziva find a suspect, and they get off to an awkward start with him; Tony finds another suspect, and she makes a suggestion about his arresting her. Gibbs and the gang put the pieces together, and they get a confession. Abby completes a long-sought connection, then she peacefully falls asleep. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Phoenix



Phoenix - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

While Ducky remains on a medical leave, he arranges for the exhumation of the body of a Navy commander whose autopsy he conducted 12 years ago; Duckman suddenly realizes that the dead man may have died from murder rather than excessive drinking; Gibbs and the Duck exchange heated words. Meanwhile Gibbs and the gang investigate the death of a Marine sergeant in Brooklyn, New York, who was about to make a one-way journey. First Abby confirms Ducky's suspicion, then she finds a copy of a curious document on the dead sergeant's laptop computer; Gibbs invokes rule 38 in the case of the Duck, who says that he and his cohorts must cast asunder the evil now afoot. Tony and Ziva learn about some old dust, and Abby finds an old connection between the two dead guys. Gibbs and the gang talk with a rocker, then Ducky does so. Abby finds an important link, then Ducky and the gang put the pieces together, and Gibbs sends the Duck back to his own workshop. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea


Lost at Sea - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

An inflatable raft washes ashore in Maryland, carrying three survivors of a missing Navy helicopter; the pilot also is missing; Gibbs and company investigate in cooperation with Borin (of the CGCIS). Gibbs and Duckman, using their covert prowess, speak with the two conscious crewmembers; Tony, McGee, and Borin meet a local scavenger, and Tony and McGee find the body of the pilot, with a gunshot wound in his head; Gibbs and Ducky contemplate the possibility of suicide. The crew chief of the chopper says much to Gibbs, as does the widow; Gibbs and Ziva visit the carrier and have a confrontational chat. Tony and McGoose visit the third survivor, who has regained consciousness, and who contradicts the other two; the musketeers further check out the crew, and they learn more; skillful questioning elicits tearful confessions from the first two shipmates; the team and the other Abby arrest the bad guy. Gibbs prepares to deliver an item to the son of the dead pilot. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Namesake

The Namesake


The Namesake - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The Virginia State Police calls the NCIS to a shooting of a Navy petty officer first-class; Gibbs and company find the murder weapon at the scene; Abby traces the piece to a pawnshop in Maryland, then Gibbs and Tony trace it to Kim, a young woman. While at the shop Tony sees a Medal of Honor and asks about it; Leroy Jethro Moore had received it for valor during World War II; Gibbs recognizes the name of his father's former best friend, for whom Jackson had named his son. Kim says that she gave the pistol to Kris, her brother, who says that someone stole it from the trunk of his car, and who later identifies a motorcycle and a rider. The team find the pieces and put them together, then with help from a billionaire and $1M, they find the shooter, to whom the whole gang plus a couple of friends give a good-morning hello. Gibbs helps his father and his old friend to overcome an old difficulty. Meanwhile Abby declines an interesting dinner date. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shell Shock: Part I

Shell Shock: Part I


Shell Shock: Part I - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Two Marine officers (a captain and a first lieutenant, close friends since childhood) have returned from Afghanistan after an ambush on their outfit; one night during a fistfight in an alley in Washington, DC, Michael, the lieutenant, dies; Gibbs and company investigate; they find and talk with Joe, the captain, who appears to have become shell-shocked. The gang learn that Joe received an honorable medical discharge eight months ago. Abby reconstructs the fight, and she finds an inconsistency; Gibbs talks again with Joe, who becomes confused and agitated. McGee and Abby identify the puncher, Kersey, who gives Gibbs a different account of the fight; Gibbs and Tony again find Joe, who says that he needs help; Gibbs helps him to get help. Then McGee shows a familiar face among a group of native rebels about the time of the ambush. Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva visit the suspect's home, where they find evidence; Gibbs tells the others to find him. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shell Shock: Part II

Shell Shock: Part II


Shell Shock: Part II - EPS 07

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Gibbs tells Joe that Joe was right about Kersey's presence with the enemy in Afghanistan, and that he and the gang need his help to find the bad guy; Gibbs talks with Joe, his brother (Evan), and their father. Evan stays to help Joe, but their father goes back home in Ohio; Joe goes with Gibbs to see Paul, another member of the outfit, who responds negatively to Joe. Abby uses virtual-reality (VR) gear to help Joe recover some of his memories; the gang increase their efforts to find Kersey; Gibbs continues to work with Joe; they catch a clue; the gang find Kersey's car but not Kersey, then they find a girl with blue hair, then Kersey; then Joe suddenly recalls another face. Abby tells the site of the next incident, and McGee tells its significance; Gibbs and the team saddle up and head out; they find and seize first a package and then a ponytail. Joe reconciles with Paul; Tony gives Ziva an audio treat; Abby serves Thanksgiving dinner to the gang at Gibbs's pad. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Gone



Gone - EPS 08

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Kidnappers abduct one teenage girl (Rosie) but fail to get the second girl (Lydia) due to the intervention of Lydia's father, whom a bad guy shoots to death, and who is a captain in the US Navy; both girls are Navy juniors; Gibbs and company and more, including the FBI, investigate. Lydia stays with Ziva until her mother, a commander in the US Navy, arrives from her aircraft carrier, in the Arabian Sea; Lydia receives an incomplete text message, which leads the gang to a camping trailer in Virginia, where they find a burn phone and a dead body. While Ziva, Abby, and Lydia hang together overnight at Gibbs's pad, they get a visitor; Ziva and Abby deal with him, and Lydia recognizes him. The visitor names the other kidnappers to Gibbs, who also gets information through a long-time friend, then Gibbs, the gang, and others meet a helicopter at dawn and then meet the third kidnapper plus Rosie. Ziva's date arrives and invites Tony to join them, so they become a threesome. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Devil's Trifecta

Devil's Trifecta


Devil's Trifecta - EPS 09

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

A man at close range shoots three rounds at Fornell, who, wearing body armor, returns fire with six rounds and kills the assailant, who was a Navy seaman; Gibbs and company and Fornell all investigate; Diane, the mutual ex-wife of Gibbs and Fornell, also shows up, and several interesting exchanges ensue. Vance announces that, according to him and two of his counterpart directors, Gibbs, Fornell, and Diane will work together on this case. McGee provides refuge and security to Diane, who has become overwrought, then Gibbs and Fornell find that they have relaxed. While executing a search warrant, Gibbs, Fornell, Tony, and McGoo find frozen fish and a dead body. Gibbs, Fornell, Tony, McGee, and Ziva find a missing accountant, who passes out and then dies. Gibbs makes a toast and a proposal at a wedding reception; Fornell, McGee, and Ziva find two of the bad guys. Gibbs and Diane have a chat. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD You Better Watch Out

You Better Watch Out


You Better Watch Out - EPS 10

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

A Navy Lieutenant Commander returns from an overseas tour to her home in base housing at NAS Pax River, Maryland, and finds the decomposing body of her husband with a broken neck; Gibbs and his team investigate. Ducky says that the victim did not die at home, and Palmer says that he had cirrhosis. The victim's wallet contains a $100 bill with new security features not yet circulated to the public, so the Secret Service enters the picture, as does a hot-chick agent, against whom Gibbs wins the first round. McGee and Abby find a print of an inside man at the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP). Tony's father visits him for Christmas, but Tony shows much displeasure. Tony and McGee find a cache of $100 bills inside the home; at Rock Creek Park hikers find the decomposing body of the inside man; Abby figures out how the bills left the BEP. The team put the pieces together, Gibbs suggests a gift to the Secret Service agent, then the team-along with Tony's father-gather to watch a ... Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom


Shabbat Shalom - EPS 11

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

The discovery of an amputated human ear in the Potomac River leads to the rest of the body, wearing a uniform of a Navy petty officer; Gibbs and company investigate; Gibbs sees an inconsistency, and McGee learns that the victim is not a military member at all. McGee says that the vic is a free-lance investigative reporter; Tony interviews the sailor who lent his identity; four other sailors confess to homicide. Ziva's father shows up in Washington, DC, as does the new director of Iranian intelligence, who meets with Eli, Ziva, Vance, and Gibbs. The dead guy's car and much evidence show up in an off-airport parking lot. Ziva recognizes a hat and discusses it; Ziva and her father eat dinner with Vance and Jackie in their home; a lone gunman shoots up the place, killing one person and injuring another, who later dies. Ziva pursues the shooter, and she and Gibbs catch him. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Shiva



Shiva - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Gibbs and company continue to investigate the killings at Vance's home, seeking whoever hired the shooter; McGee identifies the gunman; Tony and McGee get a lead on the kingpin; Tony questions the suspect. Tony provides secure lodging to Ziva at his own pad, and Vance takes leave and goes to a hotel. The new director of the Mossad arrives and throws his weight around. McGee says that the bullets came from Russia via Sweden; he also identifies the smuggler, who is Iranian; McGee traces the payment to the hit man, then Ziva interprets a crucial and clinching clue, which leads to the man responsible. A Suburban explodes, killing a key foreign official. Ziva escorts her father's body back home for burial in Israel; the whole gang accompany Vance and his kids for the burial of Jackie; Ziva goes to the wailing wall and later picks olives and plants an olive tree. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hit and Run

Hit and Run


Hit and Run - EPS 13

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Two passersby find the scene of a one-car crash and the bodies of a Marine lance corporal and a young woman; Gibbs and company investigate; Ducky presents a two-pronged curiosity, and he says that the event may not be either simple or an accident. Abby starts to have flashbacks about a very early case, which still bugs her. Ziva learns that the fathers of the victims experienced a mutual problem 10 years ago while serving aboard the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia; the gang interview the parents, and the fathers show much anger and hostility toward each other; Gibbs and Ziva learn about the feud. McGee has a chat with Abby. Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva check out a cousin and his pad and his gear; Tony finds a suspicious object; they get both a solution and the bad guy. Gibbs also chats with Abby, who seems to understand better and feel better. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Canary



Canary - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Gibbs and the three musketeers capture the number-2 cyberterrorist in the world, who, in the previous month, hacked into the MTAC and thereby caused the death of an agent; Tony predicts that he will soon sing; however, he does not; instead he smugly taunts Gibbs, who allows him to think that he and the gang are dumb and old-school. McGoo and Abby work closely together; Duckman, with his psychologic insight, suggests an unconventional technique to Gibbs; Tony and Ziva find a body; Tony says to call the hazmat team; Ducky finds that the victim has indeed contracted the Ebola virus; Tony and Ziva escort the suspect on a special flight, which includes sleep time. Tony suddenly finds himself in a pickle, Ziva joins him, and Gibbs and McGee get into a pickle of their own. Tony and Ziva get some critical data from the prisoner, then McGee confirms it and traces the mastermind. Gibbs and the gang come out ahead. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hereafter



Hereafter - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

A lance corporal collapses and dies on an obstacle course at the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia; Gibbs and company investigate; Duck and the others see numerous wounds (as though from beatings) on the body. While Vance remains on leave, he makes some discoveries. Gibbs and Ducky learn separately about the victim's history of fighting; the gang determine the nature and the location of the fighting. Vance returns to work as a member of the Gibbs team. Gibbs and Vance interview at Quantico; Abby figures out a piece of the puzzle but not another one; Vance and Gibbs chat, as do Vance and Ziva. Gibbs and McGee find a dead private first-class with multiple wounds; Duck and Gibbs compare notes, then McGee finds details in medical records, and Ducky makes an astute observation. Gibbs and Vance confront the man responsible for the wounds and hear his explanation; then the two of them talk in the basement, and Gibbs helps Vance to understand family matters. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Detour



Detour - EPS 16

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

In Richmond, Virginia, an injured Navy lieutenant grabs a jug of caustic drain cleaner, chugs it, and drops dead; Gibbs and company investigate; Tony soon learns about some of the recent behavior of the victim. While Ducky and Palmer head back toward Washington, DC, in their van, one tire blows out; three people detain them, take them to a secluded cabin, and require Ducky to perform an improvised autopsy there. Meanwhile Abby learns about the location and behavior of the victim just before he died, and the team trace the van. Tony learns about the peculiar circumstances of the victim, and Abby confirms that things do not jibe; she also traces some of his activities; she further deduces who roughed up the vic before he died; the gang find the assailant, and he tells Gibbs why. The gang follow Duck and Palmer into a forest, find one dead bad guy, then find the dynamic duo and seize the other bad guy. The bad woman takes Palmer's bait, then the team grab her as expected. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Prime Suspect

Prime Suspect


Prime Suspect - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

After a hiatus of three years, two more young women die by homicide according to the same MO as in the previous series; Gibbs's barber confides in him that he wonders whether the killer might be the barber's son; Gibbs quietly asks around. Meanwhile the gang investigate the disappearance of $120K of Navy money from the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia; they suspect a Marine lance corporal and an accomplice and girlfriend; Tony and Dorneget go to Freeport on the island of Grand Bahama to intercept them. Another young woman dies; interagency jurisdictional squabbles arise; Vance handles them, and the NCIS looks at the old evidence. Tony and Dorny meet and greet their new friends; they return with their man and most of the cash. Abby identifies the first killer, who has died; Dorny lends a hand, then Gibbs and a Metro detective obtain and execute a search warrant and soon bust the surprising copycat killer. Gibbs helps the barber and his son to reconcile. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Seek



Seek - EPS 18

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

In Kabul, Afghanistan, a Marine sergeant, a dog handler, dies of a single round to his head, said to be from a Taliban sniper; however, his widow tells Gibbs about her doubt because of a mysterious message from her husband before he died; Gibbs and company investigate; Abby finds an object and an unpleasant implication. A lead causes Tony and McGee to meet Pitt, the dog trainer (and his dogs) from the Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Maryland, then they continue in the chat room. The widow delivers a piece of mail to Gibbs, and Abby analyzes it; Dex, the K-9 Marine, scares away a burglar; Gibbs, McGee, and Dex fly to Afghanistan, investigate, and solve the case, and they find the person who took the shot in question; they also figure out the circumstances leading to the shooting. Gibbs delivers a welcome surprise to the widow. Meanwhile Vance seeks a nanny for his kids. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Squall



Squall - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

A destroyer of the US Navy encounters an unexpected storm in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Virginia; two sailors on the weather deck find and recover the body of the ship's medical officer; Gibbs and company meet the vessel in Norfolk and start to investigate; Ducky comments on a wound and a bruise, possibly resulting from a jab by a hypodermic needle. McGee's father, a full admiral, temporarily aboard the ship, raises objections, creates friction, hassles Tim, and spreads discontent. The Duck finds a part of a broken needle in the body; Tony identifies a suspect, whom he and McGee interview aboard the ship. Burley, an agent afloat working with the team, learns about the removal of a tablet computer; Tony and McGee find the tablet, and McGee obtains data from it, thereby learning the name of the last visitor to the sick bay before the doctor died. The gang identify the killer and bust him. McGee walks and talks with his father. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Chasing Ghosts

Chasing Ghosts


Chasing Ghosts - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

A Navy lieutenant, Callie, returns home from three days in San Diego on official business; her husband, Noah, is missing, and their house is in disarray; Gibbs and company investigate; McGoo finds an amputated finger inside a trash can. McGee and Abby make separate discoveries; Noah calls, McGee traces, and the gang find a bloody empty car; McGee traces the plates to a man in Roanoke, who recently lent the car to his younger brother, who has a criminal record. Gibbs, Tony, and Ziva find a staged suicide, Duckman says that the suicide was not a suicide, and Abby shows that the tossed house was likewise staged. Tony and Ziva catch a bad girl, then Tony and Gibbs catch both a bus and a bad guy. Palmer asks Ducky to teach him more about forensic psychology. With the encouragement of Gibbs, Tony meets with the other two musketeers; Ziva speaks with Gibbs, who has known what's up; Gibbs tells her to go to Rome and to take Tony with her. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Berlin



Berlin - EPS 21

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Before Tony and Ziva leave Washington, DC, Gibbs diverts them from Rome to Berlin; Vance, Gibbs, and Ziva meet with Orli, the new chief of the Mossad; they discuss the shooting of a Mossad agent in a Nova suburb of Washington the night before. Ducky makes a postmortem exam of the dead agent. In Berlin Ziva meets an old friend (a Mossad agent), who helps; Ilan Bodnar, Eli's killer, contacts Ziva. In Washington Vance and Gibbs confront Orli. In Berlin Tony and Ziva grab the diamonds and a guy, although he's not Ilan but rather his brother Yaniv; nonetheless they escort Yaniv to Washington, where the tough talk continues, and Orli admits to Vance, Gibbs, and a senior official of the DoHS that she lied, and that Ilan has been in the US the whole time; Vance sends Orli and her entourage back to Israel. After Tony and Ziva hand over Yaniv in Washington, and while Tony drives Ziva home, a large SUV with a crash guard T-bones Tony's car on the passenger side. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Revenge



Revenge - EPS 22

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Ilan steps out of the SUV and to Tony's Cad, reaches inside, grabs the bag containing the diamonds, and catches a ride in another car; Ziva, wounded, opens fire but hits just the rear window; Vance and Gibbs meet Tony and Ziva at a hospital; the dynamic duo, having sustained only minor injuries, sneak out of the emergency room. McGee traces the SUV to an address, where the gang find the getaway car, meet resistance, shoot up the house, and find the body of the wheelman, who has no fingerprints but provides a clue. Duckman and Abby find it hard to identify the body, but Abby finds a link between two rogue Mossad agents; Duck later finds an unusual lead, and Abby traces it. Ilna contacts Ziva and claims that someone else killed Eli's Iranian friend; she assures him that she will find him. With help Tony deciphers the clue on the body; Ziva interprets it and follows up; she finds her prey and draws the case to an end; she says that it's over. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Double Blind

Double Blind


Double Blind - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

At the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia, a Navy petty officer third-class, Lowry, chases and attacks a man who has followed him; Lowry, a cook, asks to speak with someone at NCIS about national security; Gibbs and McGee respond; McGee finds a GPS tracking device on the sailor's car. A supposed independent lawyer from the Office of the Inspector General of the DoD shows up in Vance's office, allegedly to wrap up the inquiry into the death of Ilna; he accompanies Tony and McGee on a stakeout related to Lowry's personal gear. Abby finds a surprise, which Lowry does not recognize or remember, but Gibbs and Lowry learn about a program involving Lowry; a three-alarm fire damages the warehouse containing the offices of the program. Gibbs finds a corporal on UA. The members of the gang agree that the IG's lawyer is on a witch hunt of some sort; later he, with a goon squad of grim-faced feds, confronts Gibbs, accusing him of federal crimes. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Damned If You Do

Damned If You Do


Damned If You Do - EPS 24

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Parsons continues to badger Gibbs; Gibbs finally breaks his silence but only slightly. To the surprise of Parsons, AJ Chegwidden, a retired admiral and a retired judge advocate general (JAG) of the US Navy, arrives to defend Gibbs (because Vance has called him); Gibbs breaks a slight smile. Ducky and Palmer find bugs; AJ and Gibbs find that someone has tossed Gibbs's pad; Tony and Ziva join them; they all go to Gibbs's secluded cabin. McGee shows up and collects Tony and Ziva, then they investigate the death of a SEAL lieutenant; the widow has received his head in a cardboard carton; Palmer learns that it's radioactive. Tom Morrow, from the DoHS, gives some startling news to Vance; the three musketeers turn in their badges; Vance shreds one file, and Gibbs burns even more; Morrow hands Parsons a letter in which the IG of the DoD cancels the investigation; Parsons babbles; Gibbs goes on a top-secret mission. Four months later Gibbs takes a shot. [To be continued next season.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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