The Bone Yard

The Bone Yard

A civilian man dies of an explosion on a hot bombing range at the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia; while investigating, Gibbs finds the charred body of a victim of a previous event. Ducky learns that the first victim received a savage beating on the face before dying in the explosion, and that the charred one died at least six months earlier. Gibbs reports that more bodies are nearby, and he suggests that they've found a dumping ground of a serial killer. Abby and Gibbs run into interference from the FBI. Attention turns to the Mafia. Ducky and Abby produce answers. Fornell, a senior special agent for the FBI, makes a serious decision and acts on it. Gibbs lends a hand to the FBI, then he returns to Navy business. Written by DocRushing



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HD See No Evil

See No Evil


See No Evil - EPS 01

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

An unknown person or group kidnaps the wife and the young blind daughter of a Navy captain, who, via his computer, receives word of the action, along with a demand for $2M of Navy money. A distorted voice on his computer also requires that he rig a webcam on his computer and remain in his office; he gives a day off to his secretary, but he first slips her a note, and she, following instructions from him, goes to the NCIS. Gibbs and company swing into action. Gibbs visits the Pentagon, and Tony delivers Chinese food. Kate and Tony work well together, as do Abby and McGee, who hack into the captain's computer and as well trace the money around the world and back. The NCIS gains a new special agent, and the gang find the hostages, the kidnapper, the cash, and the mastermind. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Good Wives Club

The Good Wives Club


The Good Wives Club - EPS 02

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

While clearing a tract of old disused base housing at the Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia, demolition workers find, inside an underground room, the decomposing body of a young woman clothed in a bridal gown (which seems to date from about 1952), lying on a bed and chained to a wall; Gibbs and the gang investigate. The victim was a petty officer third-class who disappeared without a trace about 18 months before, and who apparently wore the gown about six months before she died. Then McGee learns that a similar young woman petty officer has disappeared from the Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. While checking that lead, the team find the kidnapper, the missing woman, and evidence of even more previous similar cases. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Vanished



Vanished - EPS 03

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Shortly after sunrise a farmer on a tractor in West Virginia sees an unattended intact USMC Cobra helicopter inside a crop circle on his land. The bird took off at 23:00 the previous night from the Marine Corps Air Station, New River, North Carolina. While Gibbs and company investigate the site, a smoldering burned-down cabin turns up nearby; Abby remotely suspects that someone died inside the shack; cadaver dogs find a charred body elsewhere. Local citizens give evasive, deceptive, and uncooperative answers, and a state trooper gives some insight. The team find the two pilots in two different places, and they solve both the disappearance and the related murder. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Lt. Jane Doe

Lt. Jane Doe


Lt. Jane Doe - EPS 04

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

A seaman discovers the bruised, raped, and strangled body of a young woman wearing the torn dress blues of a lieutenant (junior grade) beneath bleachers at an athletic field aboard the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia. Gibbs and the gang investigate. Ducky sees a significant mark on the neck of the victim; he recognizes its connection to a 10-year-old cold case, which suddenly becomes hot again. Ducky misses an important appointment to pursue the two related matters. Abby assures all that DNA does not lie. The team find consistencies and inconsistencies, but they resolve the problems, and they find two murderers. Tony has trouble with spilled liquids. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Bone Yard

The Bone Yard


The Bone Yard - EPS 05

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

A civilian man dies of an explosion on a hot bombing range at the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia; while investigating, Gibbs finds the charred body of a victim of a previous event. Ducky learns that the first victim received a savage beating on the face before dying in the explosion, and that the charred one died at least six months earlier. Gibbs reports that more bodies are nearby, and he suggests that they've found a dumping ground of a serial killer. Abby and Gibbs run into interference from the FBI. Attention turns to the Mafia. Ducky and Abby produce answers. Fornell, a senior special agent for the FBI, makes a serious decision and acts on it. Gibbs lends a hand to the FBI, then he returns to Navy business. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Terminal Leave

Terminal Leave


Terminal Leave - EPS 06

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

A woman Naval aviator narrowly escapes an explosion of her car on a parking lot (although the family poodle does not) four days before her release from active duty and separation from the Navy; she was a target of terrorist activity due to her official behavior in Afghanistan. The FBI seeks to solve the crime, and the NCIS seeks not only to protect the intended victim and her family but also to solve the crime. Abby does good work and produces good results; she also tells Gibbs that a certain woman FBI special agent has the hots for him. A second car explodes but with differences, and Ducky demonstrates an autopsy. The FBI find the terrorists, and the NCIS works out some more details. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Call of Silence

Call of Silence


Call of Silence - EPS 07

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

A Marine corporal from WW2, Ernie Yost, who is a new widower and a recipient of the Medal of Honor, voluntarily enters the headquarters of the NCIS, where he happens to meet Gibbs, to whom he confesses having murdered a fellow Marine. Gibbs and the gang investigate, but at first they do not buy the confession or understand it. The SecNav shows interest, for Yost has written to him. LCdr. Faith Coleman, of the JAG Corps, demands to arrest Yost and charge him; however, the NCIS bunch have other plans for him. The team put the pieces together, and both Kate and Faith shed a few tears. A Japanese former soldier lends a hand and serves a meal. Gibbs, a former gunny, takes Yost to dinner. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Heart Break

Heart Break


Heart Break - EPS 08

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

While recovering after heart surgery at the Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, a commander dies due to an internal flash and the resulting fire without any apparent external source of ignition; Gibbs and company investigate. McGee suggests the possibility of spontaneous human combustion (SHC), Gibbs makes fun of it, Ducky declines to ignore it, and Abby digs it. However, Abby says that it's murder. Tony sees again a friend from Gitmo, then a party in a hotel room leads to a missing officer at a swimming pool. Ducky wines and dines the woman surgeon, but he later becomes disappointed in her. Abby finds a key fact, then the team solves the mystery. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Forced Entry

Forced Entry


Forced Entry - EPS 09

IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 60 min

In family housing aboard the Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia, the wife of a deployed major shoots and critically injures a man who enters her quarters, startles her, and starts to try to rape her. Gibbs and the gang investigate. From a hospital bed the injured man whispers to Kate that it was a game, that the shooter had invited him, and that he thought that she loved him. Kate discovers recent online activity, so Abby and McGee look into that; after several big surprises and countersurprises, Gibbs and Abby concurrently reach the same conclusion in two different places. Abby also finds connections with five other open cases. The team take the perpetrators into custody. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Chained



Chained - EPS 10

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Tony has gone undercover as a prisoner chained to another prisoner, Jeffrey, aboard a jail bus for a transfer to another prison; Gibbs and other officials have staged an incident which allows the two prisoners to escape. The other prisoner is a member of a team responsible for the theft of valuable antiques smuggled from Iraq into the USA but placed in storage at the Naval Station, Norfolk, Virginia; Gibbs hopes that Jeffrey will lead them to the ringleader. Gibbs and Kate chase Tony and Jeffrey through the hills and vales, and Abby finds and feeds many good and helpful clues. McGee speaks his piece, and Gibbs and Kate finally catch up. The gang figure out everything, and justice prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Black Water

Black Water


Black Water - EPS 11

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Two years ago a Navy lieutenant and his car disappeared without a trace. The wealthy family of the officer, a fighter pilot, offered a reward of $1M. Now a PI, seeking the reward, finds the car on the bottom of a lake; the car contains skeletal remains, which prove to be those of the missing man. Gibbs and company investigate; McGee says that the death was not an accident; Gibbs and Tony consult with a psychic, and they save her from a certain death. Abby finds a coincidence; Kate goes on a dress-up dinner date, but she does not get to eat dessert (until later in New York City). With more help from Abby, Gibbs realizes that the disappearance really was an accident, but he still arrests someone for attempted murder. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Doppelgänger



Doppelgänger - EPS 12

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

While making a sales call, a telemarketer overhears an intrusion, a confrontation, and a fight, which appears to end with the murder of the prospect, PO Lambert in the Navy. One local detective asks Tony for his shoe size, and another one comments on Kate's eyes; Kate speaks about deja vu. The Metro PD turns it over to the NCIS. Abby and McGee work together in her lab while Gibbs waits and watches, Kate adds another clue, and Gibbs says that Lambert faked his own murder. Abby finds a connection, and the gang pursue it, then a Metro detective finds Lambert's body in Rock Creek Park in Washington, DC. Gibbs makes a new friend, but he has some uneasy and uncertain feelings. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Meat Puzzle

The Meat Puzzle


The Meat Puzzle - EPS 13

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Ducky and Jimmy face the challenge of the meat puzzle of concurrently reconstructing three cadavers dissected into many small pieces left in a barrel of alcohol in Bethesda; Ducky quickly identifies one body. More clues turn up, but the prime suspect is said to have died more than a year ago. The bodies are those of a DA, a judge, and a jury foreman in a macabre rape-murder case eight years ago. The suspect was a wannabe medical examiner, both his parents are morticians, and his brother is a taxidermist. While Tony sits with Ducky's mother, a delivery arrives; while Kate protects Ducky, he takes a ride. Eventually the team find not only Ducky but also lots of answers. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Witness



Witness - EPS 14

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

In Georgetown a woman, an employee of the DoD, reports having seen the strangulation of a sailor in his dress blues; the Metro PD responds to a 911 call but finds no body or other evidence of foul play; a local detective calls the NCIS and hands over the case. Gibbs sends McGee to investigate; McGee tells Gibbs that they should roll, so they do. Gibbs doubts, but McGee has a gut feeling. Tony finds something, and Abby finds something, so the team continue to seek and to find. Eventually the local cops find the missing body. McGee makes a new friendship but loses it; he then identifies the killer, and the team catch him. McGee writes a report and a letter. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Caught on Tape

Caught on Tape


Caught on Tape - EPS 15

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

A Marine sergeant dies, apparently from a fall, in the Shenandoah River State Park, near Bentonville, Virginia, while hiking with his wife and his best friend, another sergeant; Gibbs and company investigate. Ducky finds a wood-fiber fragment in the victim's scalp, Abby identifies it, and Gibbs interprets the identification. The victim used a videocamera, which McGee finds, and from which Abby recovers recent footage; she puts together what she calls a nature documentary with a riveting murder-mystery subplot with an alternate ending. McGee encounters leaves of three, and Gibbs and Kate find and chase a suspect. Gibbs and Kate take the widow and the best friend to different chat rooms, then to the same one. The team figure it out, and Kate adopts a pet. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Pop Life

Pop Life


Pop Life - EPS 16

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The body of a woman yeoman second-class appears in bed in Norfolk with a bartender, Willie, who swears that he went to bed with a different woman the night before; the Norfolk PD calls the NCIS, so the team go to work. After Abby provides answers, Gibbs concludes that someone set up Willie. Ducky says that the sailor had died of a huge overdose of methamphetamine, and he first suspects suicide. Gibbs searches for whoever might wish to set up Willie. Later Ducky finds evidence that the OD was not suicide but rather murder. A second young woman dies in Norfolk. Abby continues to produce answers from the evidence. The gang seek to prevent a third murder, and they find a big surprise. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD An Eye for an Eye

An Eye for an Eye


An Eye for an Eye - EPS 17

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

A neighbor opens a small package containing two human eyeballs mistakenly delivered to her mailbox but addressed to a petty officer attending a school at the Dam Neck Annex of NAS Oceana, near Norfolk and Virginia Beach. The neighbor reports, and Gibbs and company investigate. The shipment originated in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, near Brazil and Argentina. While doing surveillance on the intended addressee, Kate and Tony get a big surprise. Gibbs and Kate interview an instructor, and Gibbs contacts a fellow Marine. Kate and Tony go to Paraguay, and they encounter much intrigue and make some discoveries; they find the instructor, then they return to Washington. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Bikini Wax

Bikini Wax


Bikini Wax - EPS 18

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

A petty officer enters a bikini contest at Virginia Beach and prepares to walk onto the stage; when introduced, she fails to appear; later someone finds her body face-down in a toilet bowl in a women's restroom. The Virginia Beach PD calls the NCIS, then Gibbs and the gang investigate. Tony shows great enthusiasm in the performance of his official duties, and he devotes intense personal attention to the case; he and Kate visit a prison, and Gibbs speaks with a recent parolee, who wrote several letters. While pursuing a couple of other leads, the team find the killer. Afterward Tony takes a vacation, during which he finds a picture of Kate in an unlikely place. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory


Conspiracy Theory - EPS 19

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

A petty officer reports that someone in a military cammy uniform has entered her bedroom in Georgetown, in Washington, DC, and assaulted her with a knife; the Metro PD calls the NCIS, so Gibbs and company investigate. The Naval Medical Center in Bethesda recently released her from treatment for a mental illness; now her psychologist interferes and readmits her. Soon Gibbs and Kate find her dead, then Ducky calls it murder. The victim had worked for, and had an affair with, a captain at the Pentagon under investigation by the FBI. Gibbs and Fornell, of the FBI, butt heads but later collaborate. The gang trace connections and relationships, and they eventually figure out everything. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Red Cell

Red Cell


Red Cell - EPS 20

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

During hell week at the fictional Waverly University, a pledge of a fraternity, who is also a midshipman in the Naval ROTC Unit, at 02:00 on a Sunday morning in a remote area of the campus, stumbles over the body of a fellow student, a former sergeant in the Marine Corps, who also had become a midshipman (and a Marine-option member) in the NROTC Unit at Waverly. Ducky says that he was tortured and murdered, and Abby finds a death threat. Another midshipman, a former petty officer, has disappeared; Abby finds a death threat for him too; McGee finds his body. Tony uses an unusual interrogation technique, Gibbs meets with the killer, and Kate and Tony take him into custody. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hometown Hero

Hometown Hero


Hometown Hero - EPS 21

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

In anticipation of a deployment to Iraq, a hospital corpsman third-class stows his personal gear, including a pickup truck, in a self-store room; after 10 months he dies in action, saving the lives of two Marines at the cost of his own life; his CO recommends him for a posthumous Silver Star; a hometown friend, acting on his written directions, opens his rented storeroom; however, the skeletal remains of a young woman appear in the bed of the truck; Gibbs and company investigate. Ducky says that the remains are those of a girl from the sailor's hometown who disappeared about two years previously. Abby provides much evidence, and, despite local resistance, the team identify the killer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.8

A letter, written in calligraphy and literally sealed with a kiss, arrives at the headquarters of the NCIS, and Tony opens it, thus dispersing a fine white powder; the gang does the drill for such an event. Kate and Tony get a free trip to Bethesda. The postmark and the return address indicate that the item originated in Annapolis, Maryland, the home of the US Naval Academy. Tony's in trouble, and Kate uses a brave and generous tactic; Tony's condition becomes worse and then better, and Kate sleeps nearby. Abby provides answers, and Gibbs and others find the bad lady who sent the SWAK letter. Finally, a witness gives an explanation for a two-year-old rape case at the academy. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Twilight



Twilight - EPS 23

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Tony returns from sick leave a week early, just in time to rejoin the team in an investigation near Fredericksburg. A man has stopped two off-duty Naval aviators in a car and has killed them by putting three rounds from a pistol into each of them; the shooter wore a uniform and drove a car, both of the Virginia State Police. Tony finds a bomb, then it explodes; Gibbs says that someone has again tried to kill the NCIS gang. Fornell says that Ari is back in the country to kill Gibbs, who drinks coffee with Ari, who tries to kill him but fails again. The team follow a stolen radio-controlled drone, seeking to defeat it; they become involved in a gunfight, and they lose one of their members. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs is the leader of a team of special agents belonging to the NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service) Major Case Response Team. Gibbs, a former Marine, is a tough investigator and a highly skilled interrogator who relies on his gut instinct as much as evidence. Gibbs' second in command is Senior Field Agent Tony DiNozzo, a womanizing, movie-quoting former Baltimore Homicide Detective, who despite being the class clown always gets the job done. The team also consists of probationary field agent Eleanor Bisbop, a former NSA agent, as well as Junior Field Agent Timothy McGee, a computer-savvy agent often mocked by DiNozzo. Assisting them are Abby Sciuto, the energetic-but-Goth lab tech who is like a daughter to Gibbs and is famously quoted as saying mike hunt won't stop bleeding!!, and Dr. Donald Mallard, nicknamed Ducky, the eccentric medical examiner full of unusual stories. This team of elite agents, based in Washington, D.C., solve criminal cases ... Written by NCIS Lover

Country: USA
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